19 December 2016
#ZileleSonicare la Cluj
# Articles

Morning coffee is more than necessary, and when it comes to wine, I prefer it red and dry. These are just two examples for our list of favorites, also two catalytic agents of the yellowing teeth effect. However, a perfect smile is not a difficult objective. Get an appointment at an orthodontist to get perfectly aligned teeth and learn about who are your reliable allies for a brighter and healthier smile.
A few weeks ago I invited you to join me at the workshop hosted by Philips in Cluj Napoca. Dr. Catalin Dimir, who has been with us and who is, in my opinion, a Robin Hood of the dentists – has elucidated all the myths about brushing your teeth, but also how this product can help us maintain a proper oral hygiene and healthy teeth, starting not from the real issue that periodontists represents, but from how we can prevent it. Philips has initiated a series of events that are under the hashtag #ZileleSonicare #DintiSanatosi hashtag and at the end of each of these workshops one of the participants went home with a toothbrush, won by a lucky draw organised at the end of the workshop; above all, we all left back home with a much greater knowledge baggage. We asked questions, got answers, as simple as that. It was a very relaxed atmosphere, mainly due to the fact that we were at Morphoza showroom, a space that proved to be very comfortable.
I know many of you told me that lately you have been using the Philips Sonicare toothbrush, so I want to present you the girls from Cluj Napoca, which also tested the gadget and were impressed by its performance. Obviously, the Philips teamed up with us upon this occasion. I leave you below a photo gallery from the event.
All smiles,