IN "Articles"
23 March 2015
Yves Saint Laurent: The young rebels and the Black Opium
# Articles # Beauty # Featured

EN: Master perfumers Nathalie Lorson and Marie Salamagne, in collaboration with Olivier Cresp and Honorine Blanc, developed the composition. Notes of coffee, present in large quantities, dominate the scent. Additional accords are pink pepper, orange blossom, jasmine, vanilla, patchouli and cedar. But maybe we shouldn’t start by saying this, and think more, about the girl that wears this perfume. She’s a hero, and she won’t obey the rules of the modern bourgeois. She has her own fresh vibe, and she is continuously searching uniqueness, while she’s both daring, and innovative. Yves Saint Laurent used to say that “fashion fades”, yet “style is eternal”, and in the same years he gave us the ultimate definition of that by creating adaptations of tuxedos for women. (1966)
RO: Maestrii parfumieri, Nathalie Lorson si Marie Salamagne, creeaza compozitia parfumului, impreuna cu Olivier Cresp si Honorine Blanc. Notele de cafea sunt prezente si domina, ca aroma de baza noului parfum. In miezul sau regasim insa si piper roz, floare de portocal, iasomie, vanilie, patchouli si cedru. Dar probabil nu ar trebui sa incepem asa, ci mai degraba vorbind despre cea care il poarta. E o eroina si nu se va pleca in fata societatii burgheze contemporane. Are un suflu proaspat, actual si se afla intr-o continua cautare a unicitatii, prin indrazneala-i specifica. Yves Saint Laurent obisnuia sa spuna ca moda e trecatoare, insa stilul ramane, iar odata cu lansarea propriului brand, in 1966, a definit vizual aceste cuvinte, in timp ce trimitea pe pasarela, modele imbracate in reinterpretari ale costumului negru, barbatesc.
RO: Adevarul e ca de fiecare data cand aleg sa port acest parfum, ma simt pregatita pentru orice. Seria continua, miercuri decolam spre Londra si abia astept sa vad ce se va intampla in continuare. Colaborarea cu Yves Saint Laurent este cu siguranta una dintre preferatele noastre, a fost unul dintre acele momente in care lumina aurie a reflectorului privea indelung spre moleculele de Black Opium din aer si incet-incet, scena Teatrului National din Targu Mures prindea alte intelesuri. Eram acasa si pozam pentru Yves Saint Laurent Beauty, purtam machiajul lor semnatura pentru 2015 si aveam cea mai buna echipa alaturi de mine, mi-am adus aminte, pentru a mia oara cat de mult conteaza sa faci ceea ce iti doresti si sa nu ramai acasa, sa pleci in lume si sa vezi ce ti se poate intampla. E o lume atat de frumoasa, incat merita sa asteptam cu nerabdare fiecare weekend, sa ne luam doza de #BlackOpium si sa ne aruncam o jacheta de piele pe umeri. Moda se transforma, nebuloasa tinerilor influenceri e mai efervescenta ca niciodata, iar acest parfum, reinterpreteaza perfect povestea de care ai nevoie, intr-o noapte in oras. Acest parfum va este dedicat, tinere rebele.
EN: The truth is that every time I choose to wear this perfume, I feel ready for anything the night could throw at me. The series continue, this Wednesday we are flying to London, and I can’t wait to see what’s next. This collaboration with Yves Saint Laurent is certainly one of our favourites… it was one of those moments when the golden light was kindly contrasting the Black Opium molecules in the air, and slowly, the theatre’s stage was gaining new meanings. I was in my hometown, shooting for Yves Saint Laurent Beauty, wearing their signature makeup, and I had the best team around me. I realised (yet again) how much it matters… to do what you want, what you feel, to leave your comfort zone, your home, and see the world as it is, see what happens. It’s such a beautiful world out there and it’s cool to wait every week for the weekend to take your #BlackOpium dose, trow a black leather jacket on our shoulders, and get out… Fashion changes, it revolves, and the crazy world of young influencers is now more effervescent than ever. This perfume gives new meanings to your night out story, and it’s dedicated to you. The young rebels.