IN "News"
07 October 2015
“You know you can’t Rome without Caesar”

Music: Kanye West, Flashing Light (because it’s Vegas) Photography by Carmen Grebenisan.
Om fi noi in Las Vegas acum, insa acasa ne-asteapta un octombrie à la carte: temperaturile scad rapid, toata lumea se pregateste de Mioritmic si Halloween si incet-incet feed-ul de Instagram trece pe materiale calduroase. Azi revin pe blog cu un look de toamna, care leviteaza in jurul fustei de lana My Silk Fairytale si se sprijina elegant pe tocuri inalte, care dau o nota sexy (#justsaidthat) unui look oarecum conservator. Fotografiile sunt facute in Cluj Napoca, la apusul soarelui pe-un deal, insa nu stiu de ce, ma duc cu gandul la desertul in care ne aflam acum #Mojave. Si dupa visarea asta-n proza vine si raspunsul meu: pentru ca vezi fundalul ala de pamant uscat, desaturat in spate si in ecuatie intra si-un Cadillac din ’62, adus tot din America.
Si cum e in Vegas? E o simfonie de culori, oameni si stiluri. Raul imi povestea cum atunci cand a fost el in 2009, ajunsese seara cu avionul si se vedea genial orasul, plin de lumina. Eu deja ma gandeam la vreo poza cool, cu toate luminile, in genul celei pe care am facut-o anul trecut in Bali, insa din pacate am ajuns ziua si n-a mai contat. E un oras plin de lumina si lux, categoric. Am fost azi in plimbare pana la Caesars Palace, care pare rupt din filme. “Come home you know you can’t Rome without Caesar”… Si singurul meu gand a fost “cum s-a gandit cineva la asa ceva…”. In fapt, cat timp iti trebuie sa pui totul cap la cap, de la mozaicul auriu si statuetele impozante la marmura neagra peste care curge apa… si ce buget? Fiecare hotel are propiul sau cazino, de obicei in lobby, ceea ce inseamna ca de cand ai aterizat in Vegas, practic cineva e cu mana in buzunarul tau, cu degetul mare si cel aratator deja impreunate peste bani si-asteapta sa-ti vada reactia. Daca zambesti si spui da, ti-au luat banii. (Ok, asta a zis-o Raul, dar trebuia spusa si aici, pe blog). In fapt nimeni nu iti ia banii din buzunar, insa multe lucruri iti pot face cu ochiul pe aici, de la suveniruri pentru prietenii de-acasa care te-ntreaba “Cum e la Vegas?”, la bauturi colorate in vaza(?), la cluburi a caror ringuri de dans se continua intr-o piscina. Poti cheltui mult si bine, insa si feeling-ul e pe masura. Cumva incerc sa impac si capra si varza acum si sa ma simt bine, sa ma bucur de peisaje si happening-uri, sa si pozez sa si postez… insa o sa vedeti pe parcursul postarilor petreceri pe roof-top care pur si simplu iti taie respiratia. Nu mai ai ce spune.
E una sa vezi pozele si alta sa te afli acolo in persoana. Am stat de fiecare data cate 10-15 minute – si asta e mult, daca masori pe ceas – privind peisajul, cu un pahar de prosecco in mana, nestiind ce sa fac: o poza cu aparatul? O poza cu telefonul? Ideea era sa ma bucur de peisaj, insa aveam un entuziasm prea mare-n suflet. Vegasul e foarte tare frate!
We might be in Las Vegas right now, but when we will be back home, I know we will be facing an à la carte October: the temperatures are dropping fast, everybody is getting ready for Miortimic and Halloween and my Instagram feed is slowly starting to buy comfortable and warm items. Today I’m writing about a sexy fall look, that levitates around the red wool skirt from My Silk Fairytale and builds up on elegant high heels that give it (nr. – the look) a bit of sexiness (#justsaidthat). These photos have been taken in Cluj, but however they somehow remind of this big desert we are near #Mojave. And after this prose dreaming comes my immediate answer: it’s because you see that dry, desaturated land in the background and also because there’s a ’62 Cadillac involved, which by the way, was also shipped from the United States. That’s why!
And how is Vegas, after all? It’s a symphony of colors, people and styles. Raul told me that when he visited Las Vegas, back in 2009, he arrived by plane, at night, and the view from above was amazing, the city was full of lights. Of course I was already thinking about cool pictures, with all the light out the plane window, kinda’ like the one we took last year while we were heading home, from Bali, but we arrived by day, so it didn’t matter. Las Vegas is full of lights and luxury. Yesterday we took a walk to Caesars Palace, which is quite astonishing. I think it’s the most beautiful hotel from here. “Come home you know you can’t Rome without Caesar”… I couldn’t stop thinking about “how did they managed to make it look so impeccably coordinated?”. In fact, how much time do you need to solve this puzzle of impetuous statues, black marble and golden mosaic – and which is the budget? The peculiar thing is that each and every hotel has its own casino in the lobby, which means that from the moment you’ve landed in Vegas, someone is reaching into your pocket, patiently holding their thumb pressed on their index finger, and your money in between, while waiting to see your reaction. If your smile and approve, they take your money in a split of a second. (Ok, Raul said this, but I had to write this) Truth is no one is taking your money for good, but there are so many thing that can attract you here:cute souvenirs for your friends back home asking “How’s Vegas”, tall drinks you can get at every corner, and tickets to the most decadent clubs, the kind of clubs that stretch out into a big pool with palm trees and s*it. You can spend a lot. You can spend everything, in fact, but of course, the feeling will raise to your expectations. Right now I’m trying to enjoy the trip, and also keep you guys posted, cuz’ it’s fresh in my memory and just very simple to describe… but you will see that as I will post more and more on blog that you can find some parties here that are just mini-heart attacks. The view is amazing, it’s worth millions. It’s one thing to see the pictures and another one to be here, in person. I’m just spending 10 to 15 minutes, again and again – and it is a lot of time, if you measure it – just looking at the view, with a process glass in my hand, and now knowing what to do: take a picture with the camera? Everything will end up in bokeh… Take a picture with the iPhone? I will end up posting that on Instagram, and not in blog…
The whole idea is to just take a bit of time to enjoy that scenery. And I did it. Truth be told, I’m such sucked for good views, and I have such a overwhelming enthusiast in my soul. Men, Vegas is dope!
WHAT I WORE: Christian Louboutin SO KATE 12mm from Luisaviaroma | My Silk Fairytale Wool Skirt | Lee Cooper FW2015 Shirt (Men section, yes).