IN "Articles"
03 August 2014
Wide awake

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Duminica, 18:20
Ne aflam pe plaja cu nisip negru de langa Tanah Lot. Am plecat intr-o expeditie de o zi, expeditie in care am atins mai multe puncte importante ale calatoriei noastre in Bali. In final, am ajuns aici, la capatul lumii… Valurile se sparg din ce in ce mai aprig de stanci si soarele apune incet, incet, lasand in urma sa un cer de un portocaliu pastelat care mai apoi se transforma in roz. Am coborat pe plaja neagra pentru cateva fotografii inainte de lasarea serii. Rochia alba din dantela se pierde in peisaj iar eu ma pierd in privirea lui, prin obiectivul care ne desparte. Stim amandoi ca urmeaza sa luam cina in Nusa Dua si asta inseamna ca nu ne vom opri din vorbit aproximativ doua ore, asa ca pentru acum, se asterne linistea. Lumina patrunse atat de frumos pe plaja, incat peisajul parea ireal. Nu stiu daca ne-am indragostit inca o data sau insula asta are ceva magic, ceva special, care sa-i explice peisajele efemere si sa-mi confirme emotiile… Seara se incheie in ton cu piesa de fundal. Raul ma tine in brate si ne uitam impreuna la apus. We’re wide awake…
Sunday 18:20
We are on the black sand beach next to Tanah Lot temple. In the morning we took a day off to get into the true culture & spirit of the island. We saw some of the most important spots in Bali and in the end, we arrived here, at the end of the world. The foamy waves crush harder and harder on the dark cliffs and the sun sets painting the sky in pastel orange to pink hues. We took a ride to the black beach to shoot some pictures of this beautiful dress I was wearing today. The white lace blends into the scenery while I’m getting lost into his eyes, through the lens. We all know what’s about to happen: having dinner in Nusa Dua means we won’t stop talking for about two hours so for now we are quiet. Right now the light took over the black beach turning it pink. The view is surreal. The night ends with a matching tune in background. He holds me into his arms and we watch the sunset. We’re wide awake…
Diva Charms White Lace Dress | Choies Leopard Plimsolles (perfect for a long day) | Brazil Swimwear white bra & H&M black fringed bag (obsessed)
P.S: Katy Perry – Wide Awake a fost
prima piesa pe care am downloadat-o pe telefon din iTunes, dar departe de acest fapt, era cea mai potrivita pentru momentele descrise mai sus. Chiar ne-am simtit bine si trebuie sa spun ca e una dintre piesele mele preferate…
P.S: Katy Perry – Wide Awake is the very 1st song I downloaded from iTunes on my phone, but it doesn’t really matter right now; what matters is the fact that we really had an amazing time and it was the perfect tune for this moment. It’s one of my favourite songs right now…
Love, A.