IN "Articles"
28 March 2014
Where we party: MASOMENOS

Enjoy one of my favourite tunes from Masomenos right now, click play:
Spontan, psychedelic şi fara limite. Cam aceste cuvinte descriu in perspectiva Joan Costes (grafic designer / DJ) şi Adrien de Maublanc (producator şi inginer de sunet), proiectul “Welcome to Masomenos”. Dupa succesul pe care l-au avut in randul publicului de la festivalul Mioritmic, Masomenos revine in aceasta seara cu noi momente, in Club Midi. Click here to find out more about the event, and get inspired for your outfit tonight! Let the visuals define your look! Fierce!
Spontaneous, psychedelic and limitless. Those word describe perfectly Joan Cotes (graphic designer / DJ) & Adrien de Maublanc’s (producer & sound engineer) project, called “Welcome to Masomenos”. After their massive succes from Mioritmic Festival, Masomenos returns to Club Midi with fresh moments. Click here to find out more about the event, and get inspired for your outfit tonight. Let the visuals define your look! Fierce!
Piesa pe care o ascultati chiar acum e preferata mea din repertoriul lor si se numeste Coco.
The song you’re listening to is my favourite from their tunes and it’s called Coco!
Wearing: Sugar Shop YSL T-shirt | Zara Trousers & Black Cut-Out Boots | New Yorker Silver Mirrored Sunnies | Sephora Lip Stain in 01 Red
Azi am fost la Vestige sa vad noutatile pe care designerii le-au pregatit pentru magazin si mi-am retinut camasa cu print alb-nergu semnata Alina Morar care mi-a placut la nebunie. Am incercat inca un top care arata si el foarte bine, daca stai nemiscata. Glumesc, imi place foarte mult, insa ma gandesc la o varianta in care poate fi purtat, sa te poti misca in voie. Amebele creatii le gasiti la Atelier Vestige. (Camasa – Alina Morar, Top negru – Alexandra Avram). In final ultima mea obsesie, ochelarii de soare Liquid Silver de la New Yorker, pe care i-am gasit in Promenada, ieri, cand filmam primul episod Shop With Me!
Today I’ve been @ Vestige to see the new items the designer made for the shop and I reserved the black and white print shirt, signed by Alina Morar. I just loved it! I also tried on a black crop top from Alexandra Avram. I loved it, it looks great as long as you stay still. I’m joking… I’m just thinking about a way in which I could wear it and still be able to move around. You can find both of the pieces at Atelier Vestige. (Shirt – Alina Morar, Black Top – Alexandra Avram). In the very end, my latest obsession, the Liquid Silver sunnies from New Yorker, I found them yesterday in Promenada Mall while we were shooting out 1st How With Me Episode!
Alina Morar Shirt
Alexandra Avram Black Top
New Yorker Liquid Silver Sunglasses. All pics made with Sony QX100
Kisses! See you @ The Party!