IN "Articles"
07 July 2014
Where the magic happens…

Salut fetelor, sper ca aveti un inceput de saptamana grozav, eu sunt la plaja si va scriu despre vineri, ziua in care am preluat contul de instagram @intelromania. Am facut in acelasi timp cateva fotografii pentru blog, pentru mai tarziu (adica acum). Tinuta mea de vara e formata dintr-o rochie Absolutely Fabulous Summer 2014, pe care o puteti gasi pe site-ul Diva Charms, pantofi decupati, galbeni Diva Charms, accesorii vintage, geanta Romina de la Charles&Ron si ochelari de soare Optiplus. Va recomand cu mare drag rochiile Ab Fab pentru ca sunt atat de fine si de vaporoase, incat promit ca vor deveni preferatele voastre vara asta! Va las cateva fotografii de vineri. Sunt poze care-mi descriu locurile preferate din Cluj, locul de unde va scriu eu cel mai bine si in general, ziua in care am “furat” contul celor de la Intel si-am facut ce-am vrut cu el…
Hello girls, I hope you’re having a great Monday, I’m sunbathing and writing you about friday. Last friday I took over @intelromania instagram account to show you my favourite summer look, my fav places in Cluj Napoca and some other details like where I like to write for the blog… I was wearing an Absolutely Fabulous summer dress, Diva Charms Cut out yellow heels, Charles&Ron Romina Bag, vintage accessories and Optiplus sunnies. Hope you like the look, I love the Ab Fab summer dresses, they are so beautiful I swear you will love them at 1st touch! I’ll let the pictures talk while you listen to another great tune from Majestic Casual and see my favourite spots from Cluj-Napoca, my favourite place to write on blog and more about #TAKEOVERfriday with Intel.
Summer look
Pergola – the place with a view / Cetatuie, Cluj Napoca
Another great place in Cluj: Panoramic Cetatuie Bed & Restaurant
(this amazing place can be rented for parties with over 100 seats – with a grogeous view over the city!)
Yellow Heels – lovely & feminine!
I write my best pieces in nature.
My iPad – as you can see, it’s been there with me trough everything. And it doesn’t look pretty, or fancy, it’s just wearing my motto and all the memories with it.
I love it so much, it was a gift from my love, Raul (Christmas 2012)
There is something special about these pictures, it’s kind’ of a magic place…
Photos: Costin Marian
Special thanks to Pergola & Panoramic
Get my look: Absolutely Fabulous Summer Dress shop here | Yellow Cut-Out heels shop here
Don’t forget to check out my latest post on Intel iQ here.
P.S: Enter the STILAGO giveaway here and win a fabulous little black dress for the summer!