IN "Looks"
24 June 2015
What to wear at a wedding? Well, where does it take place?

RO: Invitatia e in mana ta: e nunta unor prieteni si tu nu ai prea mult timp la dispozitie sa iti pregatesti tinuta. Citesti pe diagonala numele parintilor, a nasilor si respiri adanc. Normal ca asta e prima intrebare care iti trece prin minte: cu ce ma imbrac? Al tau are costumul pregatit, insa tu trebuie sa faci research online… e complicat. Nuntile pot fi foarte stresante, pentru ca de fiecare data trebuie sa gasesti o noua tinuta si – hai sa recunoastem, nu vrei sa apari de doua ori cu aceeasi rochie. Am decoperit anul trecut un site numit DRESSBOX.RO, site despre care ajung sa vorbesc la orice petrecere sau ocazie speciala. DRESSBOX oferta clientelor sale rochii de ocazie high-end, pe care le pot inchiria. Practic intri pe site, alegi rochia care iti place si in 24 de ore, ea ajunge la tine acasa (mai nou o poti si cumpara daca te-ai indragostit iremediabil de o anumita piesa).
Pentru ca prefer sa port o noua rochie la fiecare eveniment, serviciul de inchiriere mi se pare GENIAL. Fie ca ai nevoie de o rochie de nunta, de o rochie de ocazie, sau pur si simplu iti doresti un look elegant la urmatoarea petrecere, eu te voi indruma catre acelasi site. Vorbele sunt de prisos, vreau sa va arat patru tinute pe care noi le-am ales de pe DRESSBOX.RO, fiecare tinuta fiind potrivita pentru o nunta intr-o anumita locatie.
EN: You’re holding the invitation: it’s a friends’ wedding and you don’t have much time to pick your outfit. You read the name of their parents, the godfathers’ and you take a deep breath. The first question that pops up is, obviously, what am I going to wear? Your man has his suit laid out, yet you have to do some online research… it’s complicated. Weddings can be stressful, since you have to wear a new outfit every time and let’s be honest, you don’t want to get spotted in the same dress twice. Last year I stumbled upon a site called DRESSBOX.RO, about which I find myself talking at every party or special occasion. DRESSBOX features high-end dresses that clients can rent. You basically go online, pick the dress that you would like to wear and in 24 hours it’s knocking at your door (now you can also buy the item you rented, if you end up falling in love with it.)
Since I like wearing something different to each event, I find the renting service an INGENIOUS idea. Words can only mean so much, I would like to go on and show you four outfits that we chose from DRESSBOX.RO, each appropriate for a certain type of wedding.
RO: Primul setting este o nunta de zi, la un restaurant elegant. Cel mai probabil este nunta unei prietene bune si vrei sa fi o aparitie, fara a eclipsa insa, mireasa. Nu este cazul sa spun ca albul este strict interzis la nunta, daca nu esti tu cea care se casatoreste. Pentru o nunta tinereasca, am ales o rochie vaporoasa, galbena, de la MSGM, delimitata cu elastic in jurul taliei si fermoar ascuns, la spate. Alege o pereche de sandale in ton cu rochia si o pereche de ochelari de soare alb-negru care vor upgrada tinuta instant. Cu siguranta vei sta si pe terasa, asa ca ai nevoie si de ochelari de soare.
EN: The first setting is the day wedding, held in a classy restaurant. Most likely it’s a good friends’ wedding and you would like to stand out, but of course not steal the show. Needless to say, white is strictly forbidden at weddings, unless you are the bride. For a hip wedding, I chose an airy yellow dress, from MSGM. The dress accentuates the waist and has a hidden zipper, at the back. If you’ll also go for matching sandals and a pair of monochrome sunglasses, the outfit will be instantly upgraded. You will be sitting on the terrace too, so you’ll need the sunglasses.
RO: Ceva mai rar intalnita, nunta la piscina este un setting de vis. Am inceput tinuta de la un turban visiniu. (Mai devreme sau mai tarziu m-am gandit la Carrie /Abu Dhabi) Am ales o rochie intr-o culoare aprinsa de la Badgley Mischka, care se inchiriaza cu 450ron, o pereche de sandale animal print si am purtat un cercel pe post de decoratiune pentru turban, de vreme ce in urechi, bijuteriile nu era vizibile, de par. Look-ul este unul exotic si surprinzator.
EN: Even though it’s rarer, the poolside wedding is a dream setting. I started putting the outfit together around a crimson turban. (Sooner or later it reminded me of Carrie / Abu Dhabi). I chose a bold dress from Badgley Mischka, that you can rent with 450 ron, a pair of animal print sandals and I wore an earring as a decoration for the turban. The look is fresh and exotic.
RO: Pentru a III-a situatie si anume nunta in gradina am ales o rochie romantica si diafana, intr-o nuanta placuta de verde, de la Blumarine. Am completat look-ul cu o palarie Panama.
EN: For our third setting, the garden wedding, I chose a romantic and airy dress, in a beautiful green, from Blumarine. I completed the look with a Panama hat.
RO: Desigur, invitatiile care ne dau cele mai multe batai de cap, sunt cele la care se impune o tinuta extrem de eleganta. Stralucirea este la ea acasa la acest tip de nunta si tu intelegi din primul moment ca trebuie sa te ridici la nivelul asteptarilor (mirilor si a) mesenilor, care va vor privi indelung, inca de cand intrati in sala. Pentru acel moment in care vrei sa furi zambete si aprecieri, alegerea este una simpla: o rochie tip sirena, cu spatele gol. Am ales o rochie de la Blumarine, la care am asortat un gloss aprins, in nuante de corai. YOU ARE INVITED:
EN: Of course, the invitations that stress us the most are those that require a very formal outfit. The glitz and glam is on demand at such weddings and you have to rise up to the wedding goers’ expectations (and those of the grooms, of course), who are all going to stare as you walk in. For that moment, in order to steal their smiles and appreciative glances, the choice is simple: a backless, mermaid dress. I chose one from Blumarine and I paired it with a bold, coral shaded lipgloss. YOU ARE INVITED:
Photographed by Carmen Grebenisan at Grand Hotel Italia
NOW TELL ME which is your absolute favorite?