IN "Articles"
06 March 2014
"What makes you happy" giveaway

All photo credit goes to Szilard Ioo (find his page here)
V-am spus ca va pregatesc un giveaway si asta si fac. Spring Diva este doar prima versiune care mi-a venit in minte atunci cand ma gandeam la tinuta mea, care este accesorizata de Diva Charms. In cel mai serios mod, e perioada in care toata lumea constientizeaza trecerea la primavara, dar nu multi fac ceva in acest sens. Am renuntat asadar la nuantele terne si inchise si am zambit mai mult imbracata asa, in costumul meu alb pe care l-ati vazut deja de atatea ori, sandalele Jimmy Choo, tricou cu mesaj subtil pentru Raul si o geanta la fel de vesela. Mesajul a ajuns direct la tinta, iar eu m-am ales cu un styling fabulos.
I’ve already told you I’m preparing a new giveaway, so this is what I’m doing right now. Spring Diva was only the 1st version that popped into my head when I thought about my look, fully accessorised by Diva Charms. Seriously speaking, everyone seems to start to notice the spring is here, but not many do something about it. I gave up wearing black and dark hues and smiled more dressed like this: in my favourite white suit, Jimmy Choo sandals, the Diva Charms T-shirt with a subtle message for Raul and a happy bag. The message was clear, so he styled my hair fabulously.
Hair – Raul Tisa / Boulevard Studio
Yellow Mood Bracelet (shop here)
Three Charms Bracelet (shop here)
“Everything happens for a reason” bracelet (shop here)
Alintata bracelet (1st of their collection)
Well now you know, and you can also know that Diva Charms just turned their t-shirt tags into QR codes, and now every time you want to see what’s new o their site you just have to scan your tag, and here you go! Simple & easy!
Ziua de ieri a fost una foarte pozitiva, mai ales ca am reusit sa luam micul dejun impreuna, eu am inceput detox-ul, am fost la salon, Raul mi-a facut stylingul asta superb si am fost pur si simplu fericita toata ziua, pentru ca galbenul imi da o stare generala de bine. Ma bucur ca am iesit anul acesta pentru prima data cu masina decapotata: nu exista sentiment mai fain decat asta, va promit. Soare, muzica si vant! Provocarea acestui giveaway pentru voi e sa faceti o lista cu primele trei lucruri care va fac fericite si sa lasati un comentariu in care sa ne spuneti care sunt aceste lucruri/emotii/situatii care va fac fericite.
Yesterday was a very positive day, we’ve somehow managed to have breakfast together, I started my detox, and Raul did this awesome styling on my hair. I was happy all day, because yellow gives me a good vibe. I’m also happy to be able to get out of the house with my cabrio Z3: there isn’t a better feeling out there than riding in the sun, with the wind in your hair, listening to music. So the challenge of this giveaway is to make you think about the top 3 things/feelings/emotions/situations that make you happy. This giveaway is opened for my foreign readers also.
You can win one of the 3 prizes (a t-shirt of your choice from DivaCharms)What you have to do to enter the giveaway:
1. Tell us your top 3 reasons to be happy this spring
2. Share the post that announces the giveaway from DivaCharms page here, on Facebook.
3. Find the t-shirt you’d like from DivaCharms and show us the link, in your comment.
Stiu, e arat extraordinar! :)) Toata lumea ma intreba ieri pe instagram despre ochelarii de soare. Ochelarii Ray Ban ii am de pe pagina The Lifestyle Store, pagina unui prieten bun care ma tine la curent cu noutatile in materie de ochelari de soare si parfumuri. Cand i-am spus ca am nevoie de o pereche de ochelari de soare cum sunt cei pe care ii purta Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a fost foarte receptiv si i-am primit urmatoarea zi! (apropo, filmul e foarte tare!)
I know, I look extraordinary! :)) So everybody was asking questions about my sunglasses, on Instagram the other day. I’ve got my RayBans from The Lifestyle Store, a good friend has this page and always keeps me up to date with sunnies & perfumes. I just had to say I need a pair of sunnies with yellow lens, like the ones Johnny Depp had in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and the next day I had them! (great movie btw!)
Yellow Mood Bracelet (shop here)
Three Charms Bracelet (shop here)
“Everything happens for a reason” bracelet (shop here)
Alintata bracelet (1st of their collection)
DIVA CHARMS BAG (soon on their site)
Made to Measure White Suit (La Donna)
Jimmy Choo Hilary Sandals
P.S – Azi am primit un email de la doamna profesoara care imi coordoneaza lucrarea de licenta, se pare ca vom avea parte de un eveniment special la facultate la sfarsitul lunii martie, unde vom discuta despre Fashion, New Media si despre cum punem bazele unui blog de succes. Dar va mai spun eu detalii pe parcurs #happy.
Kisses from Cluj, #Happy A.
Vote for us here, and you might see the Travel with Us to New York video, on blog, this spring!