IN "Articles"
05 March 2014
We’re in Vogue!

Cred ca va amintiti aceasta fotografie, din editorialul realizat impreuna cu Emil Costrut si Issabel Lombardi. E ceva nou la ea de data asta: WATERMARK-UL VOGUE.
I think you can recall this photography, from the editorial we’ve done a while ago. There is something new about this photo: THE VOGUE WATERMARK.
Fotografia a aparut azi dimineata odata cu mesajul lui Emil: Fuck yeah! We’re in Vogue – Una dintre cele mai mari multumiri cand vine vorba de munca de pe blog, chiar daca aici vorbim despre editorialul pentru Issabel Lombardi si Vogue Photography. Double happiness: purtam fusta semnata Gabriela Atanasov / Sweet Paprika! Am vrut neaparat sa impartasesc asta cu voi acest pas, aceasta stare si aceasta recunostiinta pe care o am fata de oamenii cu care lucrez. Sper sa va placa video-ul pe care l-am postat pentru ca imi descrie perfect starea in acest moment. Desi sunt in a I zi de JUICEit Beauty Boost Detox, trebuie sa bem un pahar de sampanie! We’re on Vogue babies! Love you!
The photography (from Potrofolio di Emil Costrut) appeared this morning along with Emil’s message: ” Fuck yeah! We’re in Vogue” – On of the best feeling you can have after working hard on blog, even if we’re talking about the Lombardi editorial in Vogue Photography. Double happiness: I’m wearing the orange leather skirt from Gabriela Atanasov / Sweet Paprika. I really wanted to share with you this achievement, this emotion, and I also want to say that I’m grateful to all the people I work with. I hope you will like the video I found for you, because it describes perfectly my feelings right now. Even though I’m in my 1st day of JUICEit Beauty Boost Detox, I have to raise a glass of champagne for this! We’re on Vogue babies! Love you!
HAPPY ROMANIA este o initiativa semnata Virgil Nicolaescu. Mi-a placut mult de tot video-ul si le-am spus: vreau sa scriu despre voi, pe blog. Cand i-am intrebat cum le-a venit aceasta ideea, mi-au spus ca au vazut video-ul lui Pharell si a vrut sa faca un remake impreuna cu prietenii lui. Vazand ca acest gen de video-uri sunt acum un trend mondial, a sunat a II-a zi cativa prieteni din domeniul cinematografiei si asa au pus bazele acestui proiect. In deschidere: DJ Shiver (great Pharell look-a-like, old friend) – toata lumea e fericita, vibe-ul se extinde si in alte orase – azi au filmat in Sibiu si urmeaza alte destinatii romanesti: Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Bucuresti si Alba Iulia. Va recomand sa intrati pe pagina lor, daca va place initiativa si vreti sa participati la filmari. Fiecare clip e lansat in cadrul unei petreceri #Happy asa ca se anunta o atmosfera faina si la Sibiu in seara asta.
“E o bucurie atat de mare sa vezi cat de bine esti primit cu o asemenea intiativa de cei din tara incat efortul pe care-l facem noi, echipa, e din plin remunerat in zambete si cuvinte frumoase…” – source: Virgil Nicolaescu
HAPPY ROMANIA is a project founded by Virgil Nicolaescu. I loved the video so I said: I want to write on blog about you. When I asked the guys how they got the idea, they just said they’ve seen Pharell’s video and wanted to do a remake with some happy friends. When he realised this kind of videos are actually a world-wide trend, he called some of his friends working in the film industry and they started this project. Opening the video: DJ Shiver (great Pharell look-a-like, old friend) – everyone seems happy and the vibe extends in other Romanian cities – today they’ve been in Sibiu and soon in: Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Bucuresti and Alba Iulia. Make sure you enter on their page if you want to join the happy videos! Each new video is launched at a #Happy party so it seems that people are going to party tonight in Sibiu!
“It’s such delight to see how responsive people are in Romania to this kind of projects, that our effort asa team is rewarded with smiles and beautiful words… ” source – Virgil Nicolaescu
Enjoy the night & keep up with the blog! See you on the 5th with a new Giveaway! #HappyKisses!