IN "Articles"
10 July 2014
Vestimentatia office intr-o alta perspectiva

Ieri seara am participat la prezentarea VESTIGE Pret-a-Porter, in cadrul Cluj Business Days. Conferinta a avut loc intr-un decor special, la Grand Hotel Italia, iar prezentarea Vestige Pret-a-Porter a fost dedicata femeilor de afaceri care au o viziune diferita si vor sa poarte haine care le reprezinta in totalitate. Desigur, stim ca lumea afacerilor este dominata de nuante inchise de gri si albastru, insa va spun in cel mai sincer mod, styling-ul facut de designerii de la Vestige a fost unul impecabil si iesit din comun. Doar pentru ca ajungem la un moment dat intr-un mediu mai conservator nu inseamna ca trebuie sa ne limitam la alegeri clasice atunci cand vine vorba de croi. In sfarsit, prezentarea a fost superba, machiajul indraznet iar coafurile minimaliste. Mi-a placut atmosfera generala, insa mi-as dori sa vad tinute mai indraznete cum au fost cele din prezentare (volumetrie, culoare, croi) purtate de femeile noastre de afaceri, in look-ul lor de fiecare zi. Pentru ca merita, pentru ca ele fac lumea sa se invarta si le admir profund pentru ceea ce fac si cum se prezinta (atat in realitate cat si pe cartea de vizita)… Hai sa ne uitam peste fotografiile de ieri seara si pe sfarsit va spun cateva detalii despre un event special. In deplasare!
Last night we attended a special event: Cluj Business Days to see VESTIGE Pret-a-Porter fashion show. The conference took place in a special location: Grand Hotel Italia, and the whole show was dedicated to the business class. Of course, we already know that the business world is dominated by dark hues of grey and blue, but the styling for the show went over the top, mixing and matching unique pieces, creating powerful statement outfits to fit the modern business woman that wears clothes to enhance her presence and her personality. Just because we might reach someday a formal lifestyle, doesn’t mean we have to stick to the basics. We can play around with cuts and volumes to create an unique way to express ourselves trough our looks. In the end, the show was superb, the make-up was daring and the hair… well the hair was sleek & exquisite. I admire our business girls and I appreciate the fact that they make out worlds go round, but I would love to see them a bit more daring when it comes down to dressing up… you get me! Let’s take a look over the picture we took last night and we will talk a bit more about a special event at the end of the post!
(Cream Shirt – ALINA RUSTI)
(Romantic views at Grand Hotel Italia)
(With Liana Martin, Lidia Gligor, Simina Cheteles, Ovidiu, Vlad, Dragos & Albert)
(Love the flowy look of this shirt / By the pool)
(Wearing vintage Gucci eyewear from TheLifestyleStore and vintage earrings)
Soon on blog: Pe data de 25 iulie, mergem in Suceava si astept cu nerabdare sa fiu gazda unui eveniment special, un cocktail party all-white, la piscina. Este vorba despre prezentarea colectiei de vara semnate Alina Rusti. Vom sta la Suceava doua zile si astept sa imi spuneti care sunt locurile frumoase care trebuie vizitate cat timp ne aflam acolo. Cine e din #SUCEAVA mana sus!
Soon on blog: On the 25th of July we will be heading to Suceava, I’m looking forward to be your host for a special event. Alina Rusti launches her summer 2014 collection in an all white cocktail party setting by the pool near Suceava. We will be there for two days, so Im looking forward to meet my readers and if you are from #SUCEAVA let me know about all the beautiful places we must see!
(Music: Majestic Casual – TV Girl – Birds Don’t Sing)