18 December 2014
The wicked silver nails
Azi vreau sa vorbim despre unghiile argintii pe care toate lumea si le doreste de sarbatori. Poate pentru unele persoane o astfel de manichiura este o extravaganta, insa nenumaratele complimente cu referire la aceasta manichiura argintie pe care le-am primit de-a lungul timpului m-au facut sa imi doresc sa deschid rubrica de beauty pe blog cu o serie de detalii despre ele.
Merg la Nail Art de ceva timp, insa nu am tinut vreodata sa fac o postare despre unghii, in primul rand pentru ca nu am timpul necesar si in al II-lea rand pentru ca feed-ul de social media rezolva cam toate dilemele pe care le avem in aceasta privinta = intrebarile despre unghii. Pot posta o poza pe Facebook/Instagram pentru un reach bun si toata lumea vede manichiura. Unghiile cu efect metalic sunt de fapt si de drept tips-uri care se aplica cu portelan. Rezista pana la o saptamana cu top coat, dupa care luciul isi da un fade, odata cu fiecare vas pe care il speli. (Concluzia: nu spalati vase, luati-va masina de spalat – rad singura in fata calculatorului, desigur)
In opinia mea aceasta manichiura merita incercata daca:
A) ai vazut de nenumarate ori poza “aia” pe we heart it sau pinterest si te-ai intrebat cum minune obtii un astfel de efect;
B) esti fana auriu/argintiu si vrei sa porti o manichiura speciala pentru o ocazie speciala (cred ca revelionul e cel mai potrivit);
C) te-ai plictisit de clasicul gel/shellac, iti plac unghiile scurte, iti doresti ceva nou.
Hai sa vedem cum arata unghiile, cum arata bradul anul acesta si care sunt micile cadouri pe care le-am primit (deja) de la cativa colaboratori.
Today I wanna’ tell you about the liquid silver mirrored nails I got today. Everyone wants them for the holiday season and if this manicure is a bit daring for some girls, the countless compliments I got on them made me wanna’ start the BEAUTY category on blog with a post about them.
I’ve been doing my nails @ Nail Art for a while and I didn’t post about nails on the blog, simply because, I consider that social media is the best place to exhibit your fresh mani. The metallic silver nails are actually silver nail tips that are glued to the nail with porcelain. They will last up to 7 days with two top coats. After a week, they will fade to nude, with each dish that you are going to wash… (Conclusion: don’t do the dishes, get a dish washer – I’m laughing alone in front of my iMac now, of course) In my opinion you should give them a try if:
A) You saw pictures of this kind of a manicure on “We heart” or on “Pinterest” and you were wondering “HOW IT’S MADE” – P.S: You will not see this on Discovery!
B) You like silver/gold and you want a special manicure for a special event (NYE party, for example)
C) You are absolutely bored by the normal UV gel/Shellac polished nails, you love short nails and you want something new.
Let’s see the nails, the Xmas tree and some of the gifts that I’ve already received from some of my collaborators.
♥ thanks Avon, Fereto, Tiara Order, Ocko Shop.