IN "Articles"
25 April 2015
Vestige Centre Ville, un nou atelier complet de frumusete

RO: Un nou atelier complet de frumusete s-a deschis in centrul orasului Cluj-Napoca, marca Vestige.Clădirea de patrimoniu de pe str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 4 dezvăluie un spațiu generos, transformat acum într-un atelier elegant și perfect adaptat gesturilor de frumusețe.
Vestige Centre Ville înseamnă servicii de înfrumusețare (Coiffure, Maquillage, Esthétique, Manu/ Pédi) și un fashion concept store cu creațiiale unor designeri recunoscuți de îmbrăcăminte șiaccesorii (Vestige Prêt-à-Porter). Vestige Prêt-à-Porter prezintă exclusiv piese vestimentare unicatsau în serii limitate, creații ale celor mai inspirațidesigneri clujeni. La design-ul salonului a contribuitechipa Adina Popa HomeWorks. “Personalitateaputernică a clădirii respiră din nou cu suflul unuidesign contrastant, clasic și industrial”, spune Adina Popa, despre acest spatiu.
Seara se lasa peste Cluj, in timp ce ne indreptamspre Vestige Centre Ville… luminile orasuluilicareau in departare si toata strada Iuliu Maniu era invaluita intr-o aroma diafana de crin alb. Zambesc, ridic geamul si parchez rapid, simteam deja cum ma cuprinde un soi de emotie. Stii cum te simtiatunci cand cobori din masina si te indrepti spre o petrecere unde se afla toti prietenii tai? Parca ti se formeaza un ghem in stomac, insa pasestiincrezatoare, cu zambetul pan’ la urechi. Asa m-am simtit.
In fata salonului se aflau doua mese albe de cocktail, si o multime de vaze de sticla in care plateau lumanari. Ridic privirea spre cer si citesc cu voce tare, cu accent frantuzesc: “VESTIGE | Centre Ville”, alb pe gri. Sa intram (zambesc). Vazusemlocul de atatea ori, insa acum arata ca un atelier complet de frumusete in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Zeci de sticle de sampanie asteptaucuminti, pe gheata, invitatii, David de la Six Martini incepuse deja sa sopteasca-n microfon, totulstralucea in lumina calda a lumanarilor care impanzeau salonul si simteam ca vom avea parte de o seara speciala…
Si asa a fost, am sarbatorit alaturi de o multimeinvitati deschiderea unui nou atelier complet de frumusete: Vestige Centre Ville, am baut sampanie, am ras mult, am admirat rochii frumoase si aparitiialese si ne-am simtit minunat. Transpune înrealitate apariția care ți se potrivește împreună cu echipa Vestige! Acum tu trebuie sa hotarasti cum vrei sa fii:
Photographer: Emil Costrut
Hair: Simina Cheteles, Raul Tisa
Make-up: Lidia Gligor
P.S: Astept sa va comunic si ofertele de pret pecare noua echipa le va afisa in curand, stiu ca avetio multime de intrebari pe aceasta tema. Ne vedemcurand, pe blog. Pana atunci va las mai jos paginade Facebook si numarul la care va puteti face o programare:
Tel. 0364 102 914
EN: A new and complete beauty atelier has just opened in the centre of Cluj Napoca, a new Vestige. The patrimonial building which you can find on Iuliu Maniu street at number four reveals a generous space that has been transformed into an elegant atelier, perfectly adapted for beautifying.
Vestige Centre Ville stands for complete beauty treatments (Coiffure, Maquillage,Esthétique, Manu/ Pédi) and a fashion concept store with renowned designers’ clothes and accessories (Vestige Prêt-à-Porter). Vestige Prêt-à-Porter holds only one of a kind pieces, or pieces that are not mass produced, created by the brightest young designers of Cluj. For the salon’s design we have to thank Adina Popa’s HomeWorks team. “The building’s strong personality is breathing again, helped by the air of a new contrasting design, both classic and industrial”, says Adina Popa, about the space.
The sun is setting over Cluj as we’re heading towards Vestige Centre Ville… The city lights were flickering and somewhere ahead of us Iuliu Maniu street was drenched in the scent of sweet white lilies. I smile, roll up the window and quickly park my car, I could feel some sort of emotion taking over me. You know that feeling when you’re heading to a party where all your friends are? It’s as if you’re getting nervous butterflies, but nevertheless you step forward, smiling widely. That’s just how I was feeling.
In front of the salon there were two tall cocktail tables and many tall vases, with candles floating in them. I look up and I whisper, with a French accent: “VESTIGE | Centre Ville”, white on grey. Let’s go in (I smile). I’ve seen the place so many times before, yet now it truly looked like a complete beauty atelier. Dozens of champagne glasses were sitting on ice, patiently waiting for the guests to arrive.
David from The Six Martini had already started to whisper in the mic while everything was shining in the dewy candlelight. I knew we were going to have a special night.
Ingrid Teodosiu Silver Dress | Christian Louboutin Exvota Sandals | Vintage Earrings | Yves Saint Laurent Silver Bracelet | Shiny Style Silver Clutch |
+ a very, very curly updo.
And that was it. We celebrated together with many guests the opening of a new and complete beauty atelier: Vestige Centre Ville. We drank champagne, we laughed a lot, we admired beautiful dresses and beautiful people and all in all, we felt wonderful.
Make your dream look come true with the help of the Vestige team! Now all you need to do is decide on what you want to look like: Gentle… Gracious… Strong… Rebel… Mysterious… Majestic… Original!
Photographer: Emil Costrut
Hair: Simina Cheteles, Raul Tisa
Make-up: Lidia Gligor
P.S: I’m going to tell you the pricing offers as soon as the new team will make them public, I know you have a lot of questions on this matter. See you soon, on the blog. Until then, here’s Vestige’s Facebook page and the number you can call for an