IN "Looks"
31 August 2015
Travel with us: the #WildWakeTrip video
# Travel

RO: Dupa cum am promis, am revenit cu filmarea de la #WildWakeTrip. Sunt doar cateva cadre care surprind petrecerea si actiunea de sambata dupamasa, insa sper sa va placa. By the way, tipul de la 0:44 este Scotty Broome, wakeboarder de performanta, din Sydney, Australia. Nu se compara ceea ce am filmat eu din departare cu video-urile de pe pagina lui web, asa ca va invit sa il urmariti acolo. Tipul e bestial (when he is not flying on his wake board, he is down to earth and uber friendly).
EN: As I promised, we are back on blog with the #WildWakeTrip video. I just wanted to get the party and the action on tape, so you could see what happened this Saturday, at Tarnita. By the way, the guy jumping at 0:44 is Scotty Broome, professional wakeboarder from Sydney, Australia. Of course the footage can’t be compared to the special episodes he has on his site, so go check his web right after you watch this. The guy is insane (when he is not flying on his wake board, he is down to earth and uber friendly).
FOLLOW Scotty Broome on Instagram. Have a great week girls (and boys!)