IN "Articles"
24 February 2014
Travel to London with Aldo

Traveling with Aldo as their brand ambassador was amazing, and it’s all due to you guys entering the super amazing contest Aldo has on our blog, so hit play on this song, and join us in our London Fashion Week Experience Series!
Desigur, primul lucru pe care l-am facut la Londra a fost sa luam micul dejun, pentru ca mai apoi sa-mi scap cerceii (Also Aldo) pe jos, de vreo trei-patru ori, in timp ce incercam sa surprind peisaje, oameni, tinute. Poate era din cauza ca vantul sufla destul de puternic, poate era din cauza faptului ca oi fi nimerit eu o inchizatoare gresita pentru cercelul respectiv. Btw, imi plac la nebunie cerceii, sunt classy, valabili in foarte multe combinatii si totusi nu sunt vintage… Bine jucat, Aldo, bine jucat!
Mi-am dorit ca prima postare despre Londra sa fie un look in care port pantofii din ultima colectie Aldo. Am fost la Aldo si mi-am ales aceasta pereche de pantofi: toc mic, detalii fine, perfecti pentru zilele in care avem mult de umblat pe jos si totusi nu vrem sa renuntam la tocuri. Londra va fi tot timpul un oras superb, in orice anotimp, insa noi ne-am bucurat de cele doua zile insorite de care am avut parte si am fotografiat, am filmat, ne-am plimbat, am fost la Fashion Weekend, am vazut prezentarile de moda, am avut parte de experiente frumoase alaturi de sutele de fashioniste prezente la LFW. Sper sa va placa fotografiile, astept cu nerabdare sa va povestesc despre tot ceea ce s-a intamplat la Somerset House pe data de 21…
Of course, the 1st thing we’ve been doing in London was to have breakfast, and right after that I just kept loosing one of my earrings (Also from Aldo) while I was trying to get some shots of the view, the people, the look. Maybe it was because of the wind, or maybe it was just because I had a mis-matched back for one of my earrings. Btw, I absolutely love them, they are classy, very versatile and still… they are not vintage. Nice play Aldo, nice play!
One of my wishes about traveling to London was the fact that I wanted my 1st London Look to be about Aldo, so here I am wearing my Aldo heels. I went to their store and I’ve chosen a pair of low heeled beauties, in black. I feel like they are very feminine and the low heel helps a lot when you just have to walk a lot, but you still want to wear heels. London will always be a superb city, in any season, but we’ve enjoyed the two sunny days taking photos, recording little parts of our journey, going to Fashion Weekend, seeing the shows and just taking part to the great happenings from LWF. I hope you like the photos, I’m looking forward to tell you all about our Somerset House & Fashion Week experience.
Check out the new Aldo Shoes Collection here!
Now now, eu nu am fost niciodata fana tocurilor joase, insa trebuie sa recunosc, aceasta pereche de pantofi arata foarte bine. Sunt pur si simplu finuti si cuminti. Si cateodata avem nevoie de asa ceva in tinutele noastre. Si daca nu faci asta pentru tinute, fa-o pentru pernutele tale, care iti vor multumi, mai tarziu, spre seara…
Now now, you know I’ve never been a big fan on low-heels, but those heels look very very very good! They are just very classy and hell-behaved, and sometimes we just need that in our outfits. If not for our outfits, then for our feet, which will thank you later…
ALDO Ulenalle Heels (shop here)
ALDO earrings (available in Stores, find more online here)
Laura Firefly Skirt (shop here)
Dress Well or Die Trying T-shirt (shop here)
GAGA Sunglasses (new favorites, shop here!)
Ca orice blogger care se respecta am schimbat o groaza de tinute in cele doua zile, urmate de un zbor surprizator spre Cluj (o sa vedeti in video-ul pe care il pregatesc despre ce este vorba), o nunta, un drum Cluj-Mures … Mures-Cluj, o prezentare la Promenada Mall, o sesiune de shopping cu sora mea si …uite ca 2394 kilometri mai tarziu, am ajuns in fata calculatorului sa va povestesc despre toate astea… you will love it!
Sa aveti o seara superba, eu lucrez in aceste momente pe video-ul nostru, iar mai apoi merg la sala, pentru ca-mi e dor sa fac niste flotari. Glumesc, merg pentru ca e cazul, pentru ca am lipsit si pentru ca mi-a lipsit. Sala, Andreea, bazinul, sauna, senzatia de dupa. Clar cel mai dor imi e de senzatia de dupa… :))
As any sane blogger I’ve changed quite a few outfits in those 2 days, followed by a London > Cluj surprising flight (you will see what I’m talking about in our Travel With Us video), a wedding, a roadtrip from Cluj to Targu-Mures and back, a show at Promenada Mall, a shopping session with my sister and… 2394 km. later, I ended up in the frond of my iMac, telling you stories about all these… you will love it!
Have a great night, I’m working on the video, and after that I’m goinf to the gym, because I miss doing push-ups. I’m kidding, I’m doing it because it’s about time, because I missed my last appointments it and I because I miss it. The Gym, my trainer, Andreea, the pool, the sauna, the.. after-the-gym-feeling. I cleary miss that feeling the most, that’s why I’m going… :))
Next on our blog: Statement Moments in Lodon