IN "Featured"
17 October 2015
This is what best friends are for #shooting

RO: Hey fetelor! Azi pozam pentru Revista Altfel din Timisoara, suntem la studio Sinpro si ne distram, ca de obicei. Am uitat cat de fun sunt shooting-urile in studio cu atata street style. Ma bucur ca am pozat alaturi de Carmen – un alt lucru pe care nu l-am facut de mult (si chiar ne doream).Glad we did this! Abia astept sa va aratam pozele.
EN: Hey girls! Today we are shooting for Revista Altfel from Timisoara (“Different” magazine, if you will) we are at Sinpro studios right now are we’re just having fun. I kinda forgot how fun can studio shooting session be. Happy we did this together – another thing we haven’t done in a while. Glad we did this! Can’t wait to show you the final result!
#bestfriends #shooting #fashionbloggersmeettimisoara #carmensialina