IN "Looks"
06 April 2015
Therefore, in London you drink two or three coffees daily…

RO: Londra e un oras care te surpinde la fiecare pas. In dimineata asta nu a trebuit sa fac mai mult de 10 pasi pana la geam. Afara era intuneric, cerul era greu de nori si desi era dimineata aveam o senzatie ciudata, ca se-ntuneca, pe-semne o fi trecute de sase seara… Am baut o cafea, ne-am imbracat si am iesit din casa. Odata cu noi iesise si soarele. M-am bucurat, fireste, pentru cateva minute. Aman bucuria cu un snooze, in timp ce ne indreptam spre Istituto Marangoni. Soarele dispare, insa cutreierand holurile facultatii ma simt din ce in ce mai bine. Grupe de studenti isi exerseaza skill-urile in Adobe, peretii de sticla redau libertate si te lasa sa respiri. Am ramas placut surpinsa atunci cand am fost abordata de oameni care ma urmareau si studiau aici… o frumusete.
Se stie ca vremea este capabila sa ne influenteze starea emotionala, cum se stie si ca principala noastra nevoie este “nevoia de timp”, recent am experimentat diferite dimensiuni ale unei zile de primavara, atat din perspectiva timpului care parea ca scurge diferit in fiecare noua zi, cat si din perspectiva conditiilor meteorologice. Asadar in Londra se beau doua-trei cafele pe zi… cea de dimineata este cea mai aromata, restul fi pe fuga, ori se vor turna in pahare din carton care cedeaza, picatura cu picatura, cofeina, asfaltului ori jeansilor.
…Ultima pauza vine odata cu apusul soarelui. Suntem pasari de noapte si avem nevoie de energie. Inainte de prezentarea studentilor MDX Fashion, am vorbit despre Barcelona, despre soare si designeri, deasupra unui latte Illy.
Ne indreptam spre George Hotel, Iuliana Vintu ne asteapta in fata. In spatele ei, se intrevad discuii, oemani la costu, tineri avangardisti, se vad tinute experimentale si se aude cum vinul se roteste licoros in pahare. Un alt view care ma furase definitiv – si de aceasta data eram cu picioarele pe pamant. Am servit un pahar sec, ne-am asezat. Prezentarea a inceput…
60 de tinute au trecut parca in slow motion prin fata noastra. Punctul de plecare, inspiratia initiala, daca vreti a fost Barcelona. Un alt oras care merita vizitat cu orice ocazie. Studentii au cutreierat cararile Güell si s-au lasat inspirati de fiecare detaliu. Am sa va povestesc ai multe despre prezentarea la care am participat, in curand.
EN: London’s one of those cities that takes your breath away with every step you take. This morning I took less than ten steps to reach the window. It was dark outside and the sky was full of gloomy clouds. Even though it was morning, I had this strange sensation that it was slowly getting darker, as if it was past six in the afternoon… We sipped our coffees, we got dressed up and went out. The sun followed, which made me happy for a few minutes. I snoozed that happiness as we headed towards Istituto Marangoni. The sun was hiding again, I walked along the hallway of this beautiful school and I admired the glass walls, the vibes. The school seemed so dreamy it was all I ever wanted.. I was pleasantly surprised to meet some of my followers who were studying there… such a beauty!
It’s well known that the weather can take its toll on our mood and so is the fact that our main “need” is that of time. Recently, I’ve been experimenting different dimensions of a Spring day, both when it comes to the time that is seemingly flowing differently every day and to the weather. Therefore, in London you drink two or three coffees daily… The first is the most flavored, while the rest you’ll drink on the run, or from carton cups that will eventually drip caffeine drop by drop either on your jeans or on the pavement.
… The last break comes with the sunset. We’re night owls and we need our energy. Before the MDX Fashion students’ runway we talked about Barcelona, sun and designers over an Illy latte.
We are heading towards George Hotel and Iuliana Vintu is waiting for us outside. Behind her you could spot people wearing suits, young vanguardists, experimental outfits standing out in the crowd and you could almost hear how the wine was being poured into glasses. Another view that took my breath away – and this time I was not day dreaming. We drank a glass of dry wine, then we sat down. The show started.
60 outfits were showcased before us and it felt as if the models were walking in slow motion. Their starting point, their initial inspiration if you will, was Barcelona, another city that is definitely worth visiting. The students wandered around Güell streets and let themselves be inspired by every detail. Moe about the fashion show soon on blog.