IN "Featured"
24 September 2015
The streets were dark with something more than night
# Featured

RO: Salutare! Noi suntem in drum spre Iasi si fie vorba intre noi, simt cum incet incet mi se instaleaza starea de rau-de-masina-cand-te-uiti-intr-un-ecran, asa ma straduiesc sa va scriu cateva cuvinte despre ziua de ieri. Ingrid Teodosiu, designer ale carui tinute le port in fotografiile de mai jos, mi-a facut cunostiinta cu Mihail Onaca – actor. Ne aflam la Camino la o limonada cu portocale si discutam despre tot felul de lucruri: viza de state, viza de Indonezia, despre cum ne-am aflat noi (eu, Raul si Mihail) anul trecut in acelasi timp in Bali (fara sa stim, desigur)…La un moment dat, scoate din geanta o pereche de ochelari de soare tare marunti, negri, pe care imi spune ca i-a purtat multa vreme, in piesa de teatru Un toast cu Diavolul. Imi spune ca vrea sa ii port azi la poze…
Pe masura ce avansam in conversatie, intelegeam tot mai mult cine este Mihail, dincolo de aparentele fizice. Ca sa va fac o descriere scurta, cu tot cu fizic, Mihail este un tip inalt cu ochi caprui si par brunet. Mai mereu imbracat in negru, cutreiera strazile Clujului si nu numai, pentru a surprinde cadre spectaculoase, care stau undeva intre calculul unui grid asezat perfect peste marginea dantelata a unei cladiri si surpriza momentului in care un personaj trece prin fata obiectivului sau. Ieri am iesit pe strada sa pozam si iata ce a iesit:
EN: Hello girls, we are on our way to Iasi and truth be told I can feel that the car-sickness-caused-by-starring-at-a-screen starts to kick in, so I’ll try to tell you a few words about yesterday. Ingrid Teodosiu, the designer that signed the items I’m wearing in the pictures, introduced me to Mihail Onaca – the actor. We were at Camino the other day, sipping’ on an orange lemonade and talking about all kinds of things: the USA visa, the Indonesian visa, about how we were in Bali at the same time without knowing… At one point he pulled a pair of tiny black sunglasses from his bag, and hands them to me. He said he has worn them so many times while acting in Un toast cu Diavolul and he wants me to wear them today while we shoot…
As we were going deeper into our conversation I started to understand who he truly is. If I had to describe him quickly, Mihail is a tall, brown eyed guy with charcoal-black hair. Wearing black at most times, he wanders the streets of Cluj (and not only) to snap spectacular photos, which stand between the math of a perfect grid over the laced edge of a building and the surprise of the moment, when a certain character might cross this path, interfering with his lens. Yesterday we went out to take some pictures, here’s what happened.
Both looks by Ingrid Teodosiu
RO: Toate aceste fotografii sunt realizate cu un iPhone 6. Desigur, avem mai multe fotografii pe care vrem sa le impartasim cu voi, asa ca va invit sa stati zilele astea cu ochii pe contul de Instagram a lui Mihail. Follow him here – you must.
EN: All these pictures were taken with an iPhone 6. Of course, there is more than meets the eye, we have more pictures, so we are inviting you to keep an eye on Mihail’s Instagram account. Follow him here – you must.
Mihail on Facebook | Ingrid on Facebook