IN "Articles"
11 December 2013
The secret is revealed!

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Coco Chanel spunea “O femeie care nu poarta parfum este o femeie fara viitor”.
Nu citatul lui Coco, furisat pe blogul nostru ne face sa ne gandim mai intens la acest subiect, ci studiile pe care un genetician de la Universitatea Rockefeller le-a concluzionat cu: “Fiecare persoană trăieşte într-un univers olfactiv unic şi propriu”! Fiecare dintre noi este legat intr-un mod foarte puternic de senzatiile olfactive pe care le-am descoperit de-a lungul timpului.” Astfel sambata noaptea, proaspat ajunsa de la Bucuresti, ma pun langa Raul, pe covor:
-deschid cartea pe care tocmai mi-am cumparat-o de la Diverta: “Istoria Artei – de la pictura rupestra la arta urbana” de Stephen Farthing / Richars Cork; rasfoiesc plina de interes; privirea imi aluneca grabita peste paginile pastelate; fiecare perioada are culoarea sa, astfel ca secolele XV-XVI erau nuantate cu verde olive, iar secolele XVII-XVIII, cu albastru ciel. (culorile ce prevestesc unui apus perfect)
Marea odalisca, 1814
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
oil on canvas | 91 x 162 cm | Louvre Museum, Paris, France
“Acest tablou a fost comandat de regina Carolina a Neapolelui, sora lui Napoleon. Initial trebuia sa faca pereche cu alt nud a lui Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, insa regimul Bonaparte s-a prabusit, Carolina a fugit din tara, iar al doilea nud, un personaj dormind, a fost distrus. Ingres era adept al stilului neoclasic: atmosfera din pictura este rece, iar artistul acorda mai multa atentie liniei decat culorii. Marea odalisca a fost pictata la Roma, intr-o perioada cand artistul avea o reputatie mult mai buna in Italia decat in Franta.
In 1819 cand tabloul a fost expus la Salonul de la Paris, a primit aprecieri atat pozitive, cat si negative, in parte din cauza deformarii personajului feminin, care sugereaza influenta manierismului. Cu toate ca postura odaliscei (sau concubinei) aminteste de portretul Madame Recamier (1800) a lui Jean-Louis David , Ingres si-a infatisat modelul ca o femeie de harem, dovedindu-si inclinatia catre subiectele orientale, obisnuita in randul artistilor romantici. In ciuda acestei afinitati, Ingres s-a impotrivit pana la moarte idealurilor romantice…”
(sursa: p.264 Secolele XVII- XVIII, Istoria Artei – de la pictura rupestra la arta urbana” — Stephen Farthing / Richars Cork)
Si acesta este momentul in care ochiul imi fuge pe coltul tabloului: Brule-parfum! Desigur, vaporii subtiri dar grei si albi care ies din Brule-Parfum (difuzorul de arome) sugereaza o atmosfera incarcata de arome, o atmosfera calda, care se contrazice, in fine, cu albastrul inchis al perdelei in acelasi colt.
Parfumul este acum singurul lucru pe care il mai vad chiar si la o privire de ansamblu. Si atunci incerc sa imi imaginez cum se poate desena un parfum. In tablou erau cu siguranta amestecate-n aer nuante de iasomie, cu miere si mosc, poate chiar si flori de portocala amara.
Nu ma mai gandeam decat la un singur lucru:
Modul in care parfumul si experientele olfactive ne influenteaza de-a lungul timpului. Cum le interpretam. De la mirosul pielii mamei din primele zile de viata, la asocierea tarzie cu nuante de vanilie alba? De la aftershave-ul tatalui din tinerete, care acum parca se rasfrange peste aromele purtate de iubitul tau?
-De unde vin toate aceste amintiri?
-De la un simplu parfum!
-Incearca chiar acum:
Note puternice si senzuale, aurii, care se aprind ca artificiile in cer noaptea, de sarbatoare. O nota de mijloc care lasa o stabilitate greu de uitat: ca o budinca de vanilie cu menta. Ei spun altceva despre parfum: Categoria Floral-Chypre; magnolie, iasomie, gardenie. Poate am vorbit cu alte cuvinte, poate l-am simtit intr-un alt fel. Un parfum pretios. Felicitari Avon, ne place!
The secret has been revealed – LUXE is here!
AVON SPACE | Avon Luxe Perfume
You can choose to be different each day, reinvent yourself. The perfume is the accessory which captures the best, your subtle changes. Find the one that reflects your style. How would you like to be today?
‘A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.’ – COCO Chanel.
Not the quote of Coco Chanel, makes us think more about this subject but the conclusion based on the studies that a geneticist from the Rockefeller University made:
“Each person lives in an unique olfactory universe. Each of us is linked one way or another with the olfactory sensations we’ve had in time.”
And here I was: freshly landed in Cluj, sitting next to Raul, on the carpet: I opened the book which I’ve just bought from Diverta – “The History of Art – from cave painting to urban art” by Stephen Farthing / Richars Cork; I was browsing the pages full of interest; my eyes were rolling over the pastel pages; each period of time has it’s own colour, so that the XV-XVI centuries we’re shaded in olive green and the XVII-XVIIIth centuries in ciel blue (the perfect colors for the early sunset)
Marea odalisca, 1814
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
oil on canvas | 91 x 162 cm | Louvre Museum, Paris, France
“This painting was ordered by Queen Carolina of Neapole, sister of Napoleon. It was supposed to be exposed with another nude painting of Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres, but the Bonaparte polity crashed. Carolina left the country, and the second painting was distroyed. Ingres fancies the neoclassic – the atmosphere of the painting is cold, and the artist focuses not on the colours but on the lines. <<Marea odalisca>> was painted in Rome, in a period when the artist had a better reputation in Italy than in France.
In 1819 when this painting was on view at The Salon (Paris Salon), it gathered both positive and negative critics, mostly due to deformation of the feminine character, which connotes the influence of mannerism. Even if the posture of the lady links back to the portrait made by Jean-Luois David (Madame Recamier – 1800), Ingres painted the lady as a harem character, proving once again his bias towards oriental subjects, a casual thing for romantic artists. Despite this affinity, Ingres opposed till death to the romantic ideas.”
(Source – “The History of Art – from cave painting to urban art” by Stephen Farthing / Richars Cork;)
And this is the moment when my eye are running over the painting and stops in the lower-right corner: brule-parfum! The thin, perfumed steam that comes out of the aroma-diffuser, suggests a warm atmosphere, filled with perfumes and oriental oils, which thwarts the deep blue color of the curtain in the back.
The perfume is now the only thing that I see, even in a bigger picture, and then I start to imagine how a person can picture a perfume. In the painting it was stated for sure: Jasmin flowers, honey and musk and maybe even bitter orange flowers.
I was now thinking about just one thing – the way in which our olfactory experiences influence us in time. From the smell of our mother’s skin in the first day of life, to the later association between our father’s after-shave lotion and our present boyfriend’s perfume…?
-Where do all these memories come from?
– From a simple scent!
-Could it be?
-It could!
Try this right now:
Strong and sensual notes, golden notes sparkling on your skin like the fireworks sparkle in the sky! The middle note comes with a touch of stability, and it’s a hard note to forget: like vanilla pudding with crisp mint. They tell us something else about this fragrance: It’s from Floral-Chypre Category, contains magnolia, jasmine and gardenia. Maybe we’ve told our story in other words, maybe we’ve felt it in another way. A precious perfume. Congratulations Avon, we love it! The perfect gift for our sisters!
The secret has been revealed – LUXE is here!
AVON SPACE | Avon Luxe Perfume