IN "Entertainment"
10 July 2015
The party NEVER ends
RO: Si asta e momentul pe care il asteptam de doua saptamani ^ a.k.a o noua petrecere marca Alandala, in Parcul Central la Casino. De data asta sambata il vom asculta pe dOP intr-un act live, incepand cu ora 18:00 si mai apoi pe Ali Nasser, Paul K, Mathei si AVM & PACH. Vestea buna e ca la petrecerea din timpul zilei, la Casino e FREE ENTRY, asa ca aduna-ti gasca si ne vedem acolo de la 18. Dupa miezul noptii, urmeaza Alandala by Night asa ca ne mutam la Cluj Arena VIP. Insa mai multe informatii despre eveniment puteti afla pe Facebook, aici. Am sentimentul ala… afara e cald, e iulie, stiu ca mi-am pregatit tinuta pentru petrecera din weekend si nu fac altceva decat sa ascult, pe repeat, dOP. Acum ma gandesc ca lucrez de atata timp in domeniul asta (PR) si la un moment dat, fiind prinsa in mersul evenimentelor, uit ce lucruri faine se intampla in Cluj, datorita unei echipe de oameni pasionati care aduc in fiecare luna artisti pe care nu am putea sa-i ascultam decat la Sonar, in Ibiza ori la festivalele internationale. Thumbs up for making this happen & thank your for everything!
Noi am fost azi sa inspectam terenul si sa facem cateva fotografii la Casino, v-am lasat pe fundal piesa noastra preferata de la dOP si va invit sa vedeti locul in care vom petrece maine seara. Manuta sus cine vine la Casino!
EN: And this is the moment we’ve been waiting for two weeks ^ a.k.a a new Alandala party, in the Central Park of Cluj Napoca, at the Casino. This Saturday we will be listening to dOP in a live act that will begin at 18:00, and then we will dance on the vibes of Ali Nasser, Paul K, Mathei and AVM & PACH. The good news is that the Alandala Day party features a FREE ENTRY so you’ve better call all your friends and meet us there. After midnight, we are heading to Cluj Arena VIP. But you can find more information about the event right here, on their Facebook page. I’ve got that funny feeling right now… it’s super hot outside, I’ve already got my party outfit and I keep listening to dOP, on repeat. I’ve been working in PR for such a long time, and sometimes I’m too busy with the events, to sit down and realize what an amazing thing this team is actually doing. They are bringing such rad artists to Cluj and if it wouldn’t be for them, we wouldn’t be able to listen to guys like dOP, live. You just have to go to Sonar, Ibiza or international festivals to see them. Thumbs up for making things happen & thank you for everything!
We’ve been there to check out the place and take some pictures and I’ve embedded our favorite tune from dOP so let’s see where we’ll party tomorrow night. Raise your hand if you’re joining us!
ZARA Leather Trousers | H&M James Dean Men Tshirt | MARZO Diany Sandals in Red