The Kylie Jenner Lip Kit is here

The Kylie Jenner Lip Kit is here


“The Instagram account @lipkitbykylie has reached over 409K followers in 24 hours.”

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Astazi au aparut kit-urile de buze despre care KYLIE JENNER vorbea inca din luna august, pe aplicatia ei. Kit-urile sunt disponibile in trei nuante si anume: Dolce K., Candy K. si True Brown K. (previously known as Brown K.)

Formate dintr-un creion de contur + un lip stain mat, acestea sunt disponibile pe site-ul lipkitbykylie.comla pretul de 29$ (122ron), la care adaugam consturile de transport pentru Europa, 13.95$ (59ron). Fiind o mare fana a lip stain-urilor, vreau am vrut sa testez nuanta Dolce K. Dupa cum era de asteptat, site-ul nu face fata traficului din acest moment, asa ca de indata de adaugi produsul in cos, apare un mesaj care iti spune: “We will be right back. We are currently experiencing higher traffic than normal. Please check back in 15 minutes.“- perks of being famous. @lipkitbykylie are deja peste 409,000 de followersi, in doar 24 de ore. Let’s see how this goes on. Singurul lucru pe care nu il inteleg este peruca verde menta, care ne cam induce in eroare: care-i Dolce, care-i Candy? Plus, ii sta mult mai bine cu nuanta ei naturala. Cand ma uit la poza aia incepe sa-mi placa si nuanta True Brown desi fie vorba intre noi, nimanui nu-i sta bine (of fabulous) cu maro pe buze.

Care a nuanta voastra preferata dintre cele trei?


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The KYLIE JENNER lip kit shelved today. They are available in 3 shades: Dolce K., Candy K. and True Brown K. (Previously known as Brown K.) The kit contains a lip liner and a lip stain, in the same shade, and they can be purchased on lipkitbykylie.comat the price of 29$, to which you will add 7.95$ for US and 14.95$ for worldwide shipping. Being a big fan of lip stains, I had to order one, to see how it works (went for the Dolce K.). Unfortunately or rather as expected, it’s a full online madness going on, about them, so as soon as you add your kit to the cart a message will pop-up, saying: “We will be right back. We are currently experiencing higher traffic than normal. Please check back in 15 minutes.”perks of being famous. Let’s see how this goes. @lipkitbykylie already has over 409K followers in 24 hours. The only thing I won’t understand is that mint green wig in her campaign, it confuses me, and it makes is hard to tell the difference between Dolce and Candy. I just love the way she look with her natural dark brown/black hair. If I keep staring at that picture, I might start to like that shade of True Brown, and truth be told, no one looks good (nor fab) with brown lipstick on. Which is your favourite shade?


(left to right: Dolce K., Candy K., True Brown K.)



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