IN "Articles"
19 May 2014
That kind of a pink experience!

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Ne-am intalnit cu Deea de la BlackAndWhiteStyle, Click aici! pentru blogul WHITE & BLACK Style (Deea+Sanzi)
We’ve met Deea from BlackAndWhiteStyle, you can find find the blog here! (Deea+Sanzi)
& the creators of Pink and Black – amazing guys!
Tinuta / My look from: Lee Cooper Romania & Zara Leopard Heels
In acest weekend am fost invitati sa participam la cel mai mare concert din Romania, sau mai bine spus evenimentul care a paralizat traficul de weekend in Cluj-Napoca. Fara doar si poate, fiecare concert este special, in primul rand pentru feeling-ul pe care ti-l da! Stadionul Cluj Arena era plin de oameni veniti sa isi petreaca sambata alaturi de zeci de artisti consacrati. Printre ei, PINK & BLACK. Adevarul e ca Pink & Black, pe care toata lumea ii astepta, s-au dovedit a fi noile sortimente de inghetata Magnum. Pusa in fata faptului implinit, cu trei-patru fotografi, un cameraman si o lumina enorma pe mine, am ales: Pink! Cu un gust delicat si o crema fina de înghețata Marc de Champagne, invelita intr-un strat sidefiu de ciocolată crocantă, Pink este dedicat momentelor pline de energie si vitalitate. Am imparit asadar o ingheatata dar si un moment rose, cu Raul, in cadrul dezvaluirilor Pink&Black, din backstage:
This weekend we’ve been invited to attend the biggest concert in Romani, but you could also call it “the-event-that-paralysed-the-weekend-traffic-in-Cluj-Napoca!”. There’s no doubt that each & every concert is special due to the beautiful rush and all the people creating a great atmosphere. Cluj Arena was fully-loaded with hundreds of people who came to see more than 30 talented artists. Among them: PINK & BLACK. Truth be told, Pink and Black was the most expected performance of the evening, and they revealed as the new flavours of Magnum Ice Cream! Under the big light, the cameras & with about 3 or 4 photographers around me, I’ve chosen Pink in a blink of an eye! With a delicate taste fulfilled by a fine cream of Marc de Champagne Ice Cream, covered in a crispy shimmering pink chocolate layer, Magnum Pink is dedicated to those moments full of vitality and energy, and so I’ve shared my ice cream with Raul, in the backstage, while Pink&Black got revealed:
Varianta intunecata, Magnum Black este o inghetata ce reuneste aroma intensa a unui espresso cu o crema de vanilie fina si un invelis de ciocolata neagra, Magnum. Pink and Black vor ramane toata vara in Romania, asa ca astept sa imi spuneti care e aroma voastra preferata dintre cele doua!
The dark side of the ice cream duo, Magnum Black, remixes the intense flavour of an espresso with the smooth vanilla cream and a crispy topping of dark Magnum chocolate. Pink and Black will spend the entire summer in Romania as promised, so I’m looking forward to hear from you: Which is your favourite flavour: Pink, or Black?
P.S: Blogul nostru a fost din nou nominalizat la Digital Divas – PEOPLE’s CHOICE! Daca anul trecut am adus premiul la Cluj, speram ca si anul acesta sa il putem aduce, cu ajutorul vostru! Voteaza aici! People’s Choice este o categorie in care publicul decide castigatorul, asa ca ma bazez pe voi! Kisses