IN "Articles"
09 June 2015
Controversial and revealing: tan lines

Body Stars Swimwear (shop here), Vintage Leather Belt (shop similar here, Club Monaco), Godiva Laser Cut Black Dress (shop online on, Hair Extensions from (Luxe Saten Suvitat Clip-On)
RO: Imi plac enorm de mult costumele de baie intregi cu curea in talie. Desi look-ul initial (pe care probabil il vom regasi cel mai adesea si pe Pinterest) are o alura vintage, eu am mers pe negru, transparenta si detalii rock and roll. De multe ori ne impotmolim (degeaba – scuzati-mi limbajul) in parerile celor din jur si cred ca acum este momentul perfect pentru a experimenta. Regulile nu mai conteaza cu adevarat si creativitatea are prioritate. Asta din seria “IF YOU LIKE IT, WEAR IT”.
Trebuie sa recunoastem, costume de baie deux-pieces va fi mereu la mare cautare, pentru ca e simplu, te poti juca cu tot felul de culori si pattern-uri intre top si bottom si poti sa stai la plaja fara sa iti faci griji ca ramai cu urme pe piele. Nici nu stiu ce sa spun despre treaba asta cu urmele albe pe o piele bronzata. La apusul soarelui, cand dai costumul de baie jos si iesi din dus mirosind a iasomie, cui ii mai pasa de urmele de bronz? VERDICT: Sunt foarte sexy.
Sa nu uitam ca expunerea la soare provoaca imbatranirea pielii, accentueaza ridurile fine sau pistruii. Daca pistruii fac si ei parte din accesoriile sexy ale verii, nu merita sa dam tineretea si elasticitatea pielii pe un bronz trecator. Eu folosesc spuma autobronzanta de la Vita Liberata (Sephora) pentru putina culoare si lotiuni cu SPF ridicat (50) inainte de plaja. Cumva am uitat de gandul obsesiv de a ma bronza si in acest moment sunt foarte incantata de costumele intregi, de decupajele indraznete si de vara pe care o avem in fata. Zilele trecute am purtat un costum de baie negru, intreg, o curea vintage de inspiratie rock si o rochie laser cut de la
Hai sa vedem fotografiile:
I simply adore the one-piece vintage bathing suit with a thin waist belt. Even if the initial look (which we might find on Pinterest) has a vintage allure, this time I’ve chosen black instead. I plussed with a bit of transparence and a touch of rock and roll. We often feel the need to be liked and it’s useless, trust me. This is the perfect time to experience more when it comes down to styling and fashion. The rules don’t matter anymore and the creativity WILL take over – and yes, this is from the “IF YOU LIKE IT, WEAR IT” series.
We should all agree upon the fact that the deux-pieces swimwear is on our “most wanted” list due to it’s simplicity; you can mix and match colors and patterns between tops and bottoms and lay in the sun without a single care (about tan lines). I don’t even know what to say about tan lines. When the sun sets, you arrive home, and at the exact moment when you get out of the shower and your skin smells like jasmine, who on Earth cares about tan lines? IN THE END: They are very sexy.
Let’s not forget that sun exposure will deepen the fine lines, cause premature aging and also encourages freckles… and while freckles are also one of those sexy summer accessories, our skin’s youth and elasticity is not worth a month of tan. I’m using a delicious foam self-tanner from Vita Liberate which is said to last up to 3 weeks (you can find it @ SEPHORA), and 50 SPF cream before I get our of the house. I’ve somehow forgot about tanning and right now I’m very keen on one-piece swimwear. I’ve been wearing a beautiful black swimwear with a rock inspired waist belt + a laser cut dress from
Let’s see the pictures:
from my Capsule Collection for Crissara – silver made, with Love. Soon available on TheBlogSale
P.S: Voi pentru ce costum de baie optati vara asta: deux-piece sau intreg? Which is your type? The Deux-pieces or one piece swimsuit?
(enter at your own risk)