IN "Beauty"
29 March 2018
Supernutrition with Nutribullet

Girls I am coming back with a new Healthy Lifestyle video- a category in which we discuss recipes for a healthy life, sports and exercises as well as small secrets for a harmonious silhouette. Today I will bring a very simple recipe made with NutriBullet – a quick breakfast that I hope will help you in the morning when you are on the run and you need a lot of energy. What I used for this recipe and how to prepare it, you will find in the video below.
You have definitely heard a few things about NutriBullet so far, but I want to tell you which are the characteristics of the device that I have at home and what you will find on the site when you want to purchase such a device. The one I have in this video is the 5-piece version – Nutribullet Gold of 600W and 20,000 RPM. A 12-piece version is available on site and includes an additional blade and several other accessories. NutriBullet has a powerful engine and a double stainless steel blade, making possible the assimilation of nutrients without any effort. With these double extraction blades and cyclonic engine – it acts both vertically and horizontally – the machine extracts all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, even those with “woody” bark.
I can hardly wait to see what is the effect of these unprocessed foods on health, skin and silhouette.
If you’re thinking about it, you probably can not consume all the raw ingredients that go into a Nutriblast, but as soon as they turn quickly into a sparkling drink, you can take the pot with you and take your breakfast in motion . The first Nutriblast I’ve tried since the device arrived at my house was from was made of pumpkin, raspberry, water and baby spinach seeds – delicious and fast. I enjoyed it quietly this time, dropping long glances at the high cup of the appliances that were left for washing in the sink. Nutribullet can be purchased from – find the link here ( to the GOLD machine and here ( -1) to the 12-piece version.
You will surely remember the Green Detox Smoothie recipe we used as breakfast when we felt the need for revitalization .We will definitely try to do this Green Detox in Nutribullet in the HealthyLifestyle series. I invite you to play the video below to see what the recipe is about this time.
Almond Milk / Strawberrries / Blackcurrants.