IN "Featured"
15 July 2014
Sunset on the lake – the visual story

Retoric: …si ce s-ar face povestile mele pentru voi fara fotografiile superbe pe care doar ea le surprinde…?
Ea e Carmen Grebenisan. Iti multumesc papusa!
Ne-am petrecut dupa-masa de duminica pe lac, la Tarnita, la Motel Gilau cu Sorin si Carmen. Am povestit deasupra unui pahar de vin detaliile unor evenimente frumoase in aceasta locatie si am mancat cel mai bun peste in malai din Cluj. Eroina zilei a fost insa palaria mea de paie din Meli Melo. Primisem cu cateva zile in urma vestea ca in Iulius Mall sunt reduceri, asa ca cel mai bun mod de a va demonstra realitatea acestei stiri era sa dau o fuga pana in Iulius Mall si sa “gust” reducerile pe banii mei. Nu cautam sa stric prea multi bani si in acelasi timp nu cautam sa stric doar 25 de lei. In fine, gaseam cateva minute mai tarziu, in Meli Melo o palarie din paie, poleita cu pudra aurie. Departe de auriul care straluceste-n soare in pozele de mai jos, mi-a placut textura schimbatoare a accesoriului care tocmai imi intrase in garderoba: o poti indoi in fel si chip, pentru a completa un look diferit si o stare de spirit aparte. Mi-a placut. Palaria, reducerile, vestea, povestea, starea in care ne-a dus dar cel mai mult…fotografiile care vorbesc de la sine…
Iata, este posibil. Reducerile prezentate intr-un mod aparte ar spune unii, eu spun: eu, iubirea vietii mele, astia doi (Carmen&Sorin care-si fac un selfie) si palaria mea:
We spent our Sunday afternoon at the Lake (Tarnita, Gilau) with Carmen & Sorin. We lingered over a glass of wine (mine white, theirs rose) and talked all about the details of a future event in this special place. We also had the best fish you can have in this area. Anyway, the hero of the day was this fabulous hat from Meli Melo. A couple of days ago, I was told about some sales going on at Iulius Mall, so I didn’t took this for granted and I went shopping: I wasn’t looking to spend much, but I also wasn’t looking to spend 25ron. Anyway, a few minutes later, I found myself buying this superb hat from Meli Melo: a golden toned beauty sprayed with a shimmery-golden layer on top. The thing I loved about this hat was the versatility of the texture: you can play along with any shape to create your mood and your character for the day. I liked it. The hat, tha sales, the news, the story, my mood… and the photos that don’t need a description…
So here we go, it’s all possible: some may say this is the sale season presented in a special way, but I’m telling you, this is just me, the love of my life, those two guys (Carmen & Sorin taking a selfie) and my hat:
RUN FAST RIPPED DRESS (Love it, you can shop it here!)
DIVA CHARMS “Everything happens for a reason” BRACELET
Rasfoieste aici catalogul reducerilor de vara si vezi care e item-ul tau preferat care-si va scrie povestea singur vara asta…
Care e piesa ta preferata gasita la reduceri si mai ales… la ce pret?
Which is your favourite item shopped on sales?