IN "Fashion"
09 August 2015

RO: Intrebare: Tu vii la Summer Well? E destul de tarziu, insa va scriu pentru ca am avut parte de o zi de vara asa cum toate ar trebui sa fie (nu cerem multe: sa fie cald, sa mergem la concert cu prietenii si sa ne simtim bine).
Dupa cum stiti, am luat fraiele contului de instgram @glamour_romania si postez de la (si despre) festival. Este un festival mai mic, insa atmosfera este placuta. Stateam jos pe iarba, pe o paturica pestrita si priveam copacii, de jos. E bine sa mai schimbi perspectiva din cand in cand. Soarele sagetase poienita din spatele nostru si toti oamenii parca se topeau in lumina aurie, evident extrem de flattering, a apusului. Chiar era un peisaj frumos. Frumusetea acestui festival este natura in sine, e minunat sa te plimbi prin curtea palatului Stirbey, sa asculti muzica, sa profiti de vara mai pe scurt. Gandul iti zboara la multe atunci cand stai sub un copac imens, pe patura la umbra.
Ne vedem maine dimineata pe @glamour_romania pentru inca o zi de festival, ma bucur sa ma pot semna asa, am facut o fotografie in camera obscura, la standul Huawei, chiar de la intrarea in festival:
EN: QUESTION: Are you coming to Summer Well? It’s pretty late, but I really wanted to write down a few words, because we had an actual summer day, as all summer days should be (warm, going to concerts, having fun). As you know, I took over @glamour_romania’s instagram account and I’m posting from (and about) the festival. Today we managed to take some snaps. We were just sitting on the grass, on a little colorful blanket and we kept looking at the trees above us. A chance of perspective is always good. The sun came in through the luxurious old trees, in the clearing behind us, while people started to “melt” in the golden light of the sunset (it was a very flattering light, of course). But this was such a beautiful scenery. The true beauty of this festival stands in the nature itself. It’s amazing to be able to walk around Stirbey palace, listening music, having fun, well… enjoying summer, long story short. And this is how the mind controls your thoughts while sitting down on a blanket, under a huge tree.
I’ll see you in the morning on @glamour_romania for more festival adventures! I made a cool picture @ Huawei booth and I have to say I’m happy to sign this summer post with this picture:
P.S: Yes, I will make a super-huge post with pictures from the festival!