STRIKE A POSE: Fashion bloggers in Iasi

STRIKE A POSE: Fashion bloggers in Iasi

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A fost o experienta foarte faina. Incepand cu drumul de 7 ore in care am vorbit cu mare flow

(asta mai ales cine a condus, ca restu’ cum prindeau semnal cat de-o poza pe Instagram prin munti… SILENCE)

si continuand cu cina acompaniata de GRAMMA wines, la Vivo. O sa incep seria postarilor din Iasi cu seara de sambata, cand am petrecut la Fratelli. In general aceste intalniri ale bloggerilor sunt calculate la minut si cum belelele se tineau lant, noi ne-am ratacit prin Palas (mall-ul imens din Iasi), ne-am pierdut tichetul de parcare si am aflat ca trebuie sa platim 50 de lei sa ne lasa sa scoatem masina si odata cu ea – hainele aruncate pe bancheta din spate, care formasera deja tinute de petrecere, in curbe, noaptea prin Iasi…

E un oras superb. Nu e prima data cand vin la Iasi insa de data asta am avut parte de un view a la majestic casual din camera noastra de la hotel, lunch-uri cu panorama (de la etajul 13) si de o petrecere incendiara, la Fratelli. Am purtat rochia Party Mood din colectia mea pentru Diva Charms, pantofii Casadei blade aurii si manusile aurii decupate, pe care i le-am cerut lui Catalin imediat dupa prezentare. Mai… important e ca am ajuns si noi la o poza de grup, ajunge una. In rest am filmat pentru un video de #travelwithus pe care speram sa il montam degraba si sa vi-l servim intr-o seara, inainte de rev, aici pe blog.


It was an effervescent experience: from with the 7-hour road trip to the GRAMMA wine taste and dinner at Vivo. I will however start the series with Saturday, when we 1st stepped into Fratelli Iasi. Usually, when 14 bloggers meet, the event will end up being very hectic and on the run at every moment. We’ve lost our parking ticket, and before that we’ve lost ourselves in the bigges mall from the Southern-East Europe: Palas, Iasi.

It’s a delightful city. This is not the 1st time I’m in Iasi, but I gotta’ say this experience was glamorously exciting, we had that beautiful view from our hotel room (Unirea SPA), we had a panoramic lunch on the go and some out-of-this-world moments at Fratelli, while listening to such good music (1st part of the night) – Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus, Savage Garden – To the Moon and Back… I’m wearing my Party Mood dress from Diva Charms and golden Casadei Blade Pumps. We finally got into a group pic with all the bloggers (not just in the club) and I think it’s more than enough given the fact that we’ve been recording the whole trip and posting on social media at the same time. Hope we will edit the video soon and deliver it fresh, just before 2015.

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