IN "Articles"
04 February 2014
Strawberry Fields Forever

In primul rand vreau sa va transmit in mod oficial urmatoarele date:
– avem peste 1600 de inscrieri in giveaway-ul realizat in parteneriat cu Sony Romania (ceea ce e foarte tare!)
– momentan am ajuns la inscrierea cu numarul 623 – Sonia Neagu
– ma bucur sa va cunosc in mod oficial pe toti si abia astept sa vad numele castigatoarei sau a castigatorului afisat pe ecran.
First of all I want to let you know some official numbers:
– we have over 1600 entries on our Sony Giveaway (which is fabulous!)
– right now I am on the 623th entry – Sonia Neagu
– I am happy to officially meet you all and can’t wait to see the winner on our computer screens…
Calatoria mea printre comentariile voastre continua, pe langa activitatile obisnuite de sesiune, asa ca pana trec eu un revista urmatoarele 1000 de nume, va prezint cea mai draguta bluza ever, recent intrata in garderoba mea, The Strawberry 3D Sweater . Da… arat ca o capsuna cu picioare, ceea ce mi se pare amuzant. Oricum ar fi e genul de bluza care te face sa zambesti:
My trip among your comments goes on, along with the usual mid term activities, so until I write down the nedt 1,000 names, I present you the sweetest blouse ever, The Strawberry 3D Sweater – yeah, I look like a walking strawberry and I find that hilarious. It makes me happy:
Photos by: Paul Vasiu
Pornisem spre Targu Mures oarecum iritata pentru ca era frig afara, deja imi era dor de Raul, aveam o promisiune catre voi – sa incep notarea numelor din giveaway si una catre prietena mea Madalina: iesim in oras, unde vrei tu. Stiam deja pe de rost CD-urile cu muzica pe care le aveam de la Midi si le-am lasat sa ruleze in continuare. Undeva in drum spre Targu-Mures, muzica a reusit sa ma surprinda, dar nu oricum! Imaginati-va doua minute: conduceam linistita, aproape respectand regulile de circulatie, gandindu-ma la sora mea, la ce am de facut, uitandu-ma din cand in cand in oglinda si realizand inca o data ca arat ca un bol de capsuni:
Dupa o pauza insesizabila intre CD-uri, boxele: “Santa bring my baby back to me! Santa bring my baby back to me” (daca nu imi intelegeti surprinderea, sau durerea de genunchi cand am lovit volanul din cauza schimbarii liniei melodice intr-un mod atat de brusc, aveti aici melodia respectiva)
I was on my way to Targu Mures, somehow annoyed by the fact that it was quite cold outside, I already missed my boy, I had a promise on the blog, for you: the fact that I was going to start working on the giveaway issue this weekend, and another one to my dear friend, Madalina: we will go out wherever you want. I already knew the songs from the Midi CDs by heart, so I just let them play. Somewhere along the road, the car managed to surprise me, but not just like so! Just imagine for two minutes: I was driving, almost respecting the traffic rules, thinking about my sister, about what I have to do, looking at myself in the mirror every now and then and realising I look like a giant bowl of strawberries:
After a very short break between the CDs, the speakers go: “Santa bring my baby back to me! Santa bring my baby back to me” (if you do NOT understand my surprised face, or the sharp pain in my knee, when I hit the steering wheel due to the sudden change in my musical environment, you can listen to the song, here.)
Apropo de Targu-Mures, check out this group! Mi se pare o initiativa foarte tare!
I’m wearing:
Saint Laurent Janis Studded Ankle Boots
Strawberry 3D Sweater (shop here)
Custom Made Vest (Raul)
Diva Charms Ruby Red Ring
Zara Black Trousers (find them in Zara Basics)
Zara Red Sunnies (find them in stores)
Sper ca aveti parte de o iarna frumoasa, sper ca aveti parte si de zapada pe masina, nu de alta, dar Ana Morodan ne-a aratat deja pe blog cum se da zapada de pe masina – BE A CIVIC MINDED LADY.
Hope you have a beautiful winter and I also hope you have your car under one feet of now, because Ana Morodan already posted some pictures on her blog, letting us know how you can act like a lady in the snow (with a shovel) – BE A CIVIC MINDED LADY.
Photos by: Paul Vasiu