IN "Looks"
29 March 2018
Story time: That time I took the flowers on the plane with me

San Francisco vs. Tokyo
After spending a few hours on Kiana Underwood‘s Instagram, full of infinite flowers and impeccable photos, and then on the artistic feed, in which simple photos of flower bouquets become pictures of Atsushi Taniguchi I came to see where all the inspiration behind the bouquet in front of me, on the bedroom mirror floor was coming. San Francisco vs. Tokyo, now I know why it’s worth bringing this bouquet with me on the plane. Yes, I brought it from Bucharest, I went to the check-in where I asked if I could take it with me on the plane, on the security check …
Maybe I looked like a lunatic in the airport, but I take responsibility for it. I think I looked pretty normal: a pair of combat boots, orange Dior pants, DIY waist accessory, a black t-shirt , a shoulder bag full of ropes and an enormous bouquet – set in a mini silver vase. I could not see myself behind it. I boarded the plane and soon after that, I put it on my desk in Cluj. Here’s a thing – it doesn’t matter if it’s in the bedroom or in the office – now that I sit and write, I moved it here for inspiration – the bouquet received from Serendipity Atelier Floral Atelier Design with its burgundy peony which brings life to any space. Someone made me say that I like peonies. Now that I look closely the bouquet works well with my “Liliac” by Monicai Vasinca painting . Serendipity, I do not know how you do this, but you need to deliver in Cluj starting next month. I may be travelling to Bucharest often, but I always come back home. Let me show you the bouquet. Until then, you will have free delivery in Bucharest and the picture with the delivered bouquet, as a confirmation. I know,it’s kind of next lvl. Press play. I’ll tell you right away!
Intrebata “Cum si când ai inceput sa lucrezi in industria florala? Care este povestea ta, de la primele inceputuri si pana acum?” a raspuns ca pasiunea pentru flori vine din copilarie:
“Privind in retrospectiva, pot spune ca am avut o anumita inclinatie catre flori si activităti creative inca din copilarie. Imi amintesc cum, de fiecare data cand aveam ocazia, imi surprindeam mama cu un buchet de flori creat de mine si imi facea placere vazand bucuria pe chipul ei. Totul a inceput insa sa devina mai mult decat un hobby acum aproximativ 3-4 ani de zile, cand am inceput sa lucrez in cadrul unui lant de florarii din Bucuresti. Astfel, am deprins principiile activitatii de florist, de la muncile de baza, cum ar fi curatatul florilor, pana la realizarea de aranjamente florale complexe pentru evenimente sofisticate. Apoi, in cautare de noi provocari si cu speranta extinderii orizontului creativ, am ales sa urmez pe cont propriu cursuri de design floral in ateliere de referinta din Londra.”
Scoala din Londra? Experienta din Bucuresti? Bazele de florist? Nu stiu care cat conteaza insa stiu ca pentru a veni cu un astfel de concept pe piata romaneasca trebuie sa fii inzestrat cu o sumedenie de calitati creative, manualitate si simt artistic. In primul rand pentru ca a spune “facem un buchet pe zi” inseamna “stim de ce ai nevoie”. Bucuria oferirii unui buchet de flori nu trebuie sa fie conditionata de bataile de cap ale cautarii „buchetului perfect”, asa ca Andrada Margas si Costin Speciac livreaza flori simplificand totodata acest proces emotional, prin conceptul numit “un buchet pe zi” despre care puteti afla mai multe, aici. In materie de flori, Serendipity are textura si diversitate insa foarte mult echilibru, o rotunjime satisfacatoare si o prezentare naturala – ceea ce pentru mine inseamna enorm cand vine vorba de flori. Don’t get me started on #aranjamente. Stilul lor este unul natural, inedit si lejer si credeti-ma pe cuvant florile astea sunt ca o pictura. Dincolo de conceptul “un buchet pe zi”, Serendipity Atelier Floral vine cu o echipa priceputa care poate crea orice fantezie florala ai avea in minte, indiferent de bugetul tau.
Photos by Luana Ghereben / AEP Earrings / Custom made Satin Robe / Flowers from Serendipity Atelier Design Floral
De urmarit pe INSTAGRAM
- Lee Ju Yeon for simplity.
- Kiana Underwood for courage to combine flowers in such ways, colors and textures
- Atsushi Taniguchi for genuineness and warmness
Finally, I want to ask you: when did you last give a bouquet of flowers and how did it look like? How does the perfect flower bouquet look for you?