IN "Articles"
06 March 2015
Something you should see

This one photo, is one of my favourites right now. It was taken yesterday (5th of March) by Denis Savescu, at home. This week was so busy, I kept going back and forth trying to be part of everything, and of course I didn’t managed to make it. Sometimes I just lay in my bed, at the end of the week and think about the days that passed and realise how many… truly beautiful moments… we have in life, and how we need to appreciate every single one of them. But the most important thing is to take life as it comes, with good and bad, to understand that we shall never stop
Aceasta fotogafie a fost facuta de catre Denis Savescu, ieri dupamasa (nr – 5 Martie), acasa la noi. Saptamana asta a fost atat de involburata, am petrecut mult timp pe drum, incercand sa nu bag in seama trecerea timpului, pentru ca incercam sa ajung aici si-acolo, sa ajung peste tot. In final mi-am dat seama ca nu ai cum. Tot pe final mi-am dat seama ca exista atatea momente cu adevarat desavarsite, care trec pe langa noi… in mare graba! Cel mai important e ca la sfarsitul celor cinci zile, ajung in acelasi pat si ma gandesc la timpul ce-a trecut. Presupun ca pana la urma trebuie sa iei fiecare zi asa cum vine, cu bune si rele si niciodata
sa nu te opresti din a spera.
Camasa/Shirt: Half of Me by Alexander (soon available on
Maiou/Tank Top: from Londoner, Emese Bako
Dress as Coat/ Rochie, ca jacketa: from creative, Ingrid Teodosiu
Photographed by DENIS SAVESCU
I will continue this one pretty soon. I have to go now, tonight we party, but I will be back to tell you something you should know. Because this blog is just the half of it. For real, it’s just the half of it. I saw a documentary that I loved and I want to share something personal with you.
Voi continua acesta serie curand. Nu stiu cand, n-am sa promit ceva anume, insa a inceput in aceasta seara si trebuie sa continue. Pentru ca ceea ce ajunge pe blog, e doar 50% din ceea ce se intampla, poate mai putin. Am vazut un scurt documentar care m-a inspirat.
P.S: Pe langa Rihanna, ascult si B.U.G Mafia. Asta-i viata.
P.S: Besides Rihanna, I listen to B.U.G Mafia. This is the life.
play here:
INDEED. Cool delivery on the way.