IN "Beauty"
11 May 2015
Something Beautiful: DIY Inverted Ponytail

RO: Buna dimineata fetelor, stiu, e luni si inca probabil sunteti obosite dupa weekendul care a trecut, asa ca azi bem cafeaua impreuna si avem parte de un mic DIY! Un tutorial de coafura, in colaborare cu Nivea (daca tot v-ati dorit asa ceva.) Modulul de ingrijire a parului de pe site-ul reprezinta una dintre sursele mele de inspiratie. Imi place sa experimentez atunci cand vine vorba despre culoarea parului si sa ma joc cu texturile. De-a lungul timpului, am folosit extensii, peruci (de Halloween, yep) si dreaduri pe clips pentru a da un suflu nou ținutelor pe care le port, fotografiilor si in general pentru ca orice schimbare de culoare / textura aduce cu sine noi atitudini. Schimbarea este de multe ori benefică, fie ca marcheaza un nou inceput, sau o stare de spirit. Azi, preluand leapsa de la Dana Rogoz, am purtat o coada laterala si va invit si pe voi sa faceti la fel. Prin tutorialul filmat in colaborare cu NIVEA Romania vreau sa va transmit ca este foarte usor sa realizati o coafura chic la voi acasa, fara niciun efort. Aveti grija de parul vostru si purtati coafuri simple, dar de efect.
EN: Hello girls, good morning, I know, I know, it’s Monday and you might be a bit tired after the weekend. With this being told, we’re having coffee together on blog, while watching a hair tutorial made in collaboration with Nivea. The hair care module on website is one of my hair inspiration sources. I love to experiment new styles and colours, I love playing with texture. Along time, I’ve worn clip-in hair extensions, wigs (yep, Halloween) and clip-in dreadlocks for a new vibe for my summery looks. This tutorial was shot in collaboration with NIVEA Romania, and it wants to bring you the same good vibe and inspire you in your everyday looks. Today I accepted Dana Rogoz’s challenge and I wore a side ponytail and you’re invited to try it out. Through this tutorial shot in collaboration with NIVEA Romania i want you to know how easy it is to realize a chic hairstyle in your house, without any effort. Take care of your hair and wear simple, yet effective looks.
RO: In acest video veti vedea modul de realizare a acestei coafuri, precum si produsele pe care le-am folosit, din gama Nivea Hair Care. Ma bucura noua colaborare si abia astept sa ne revedem pe blog cu noi postari din seria “SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL”.
EN:In this video you will see the step-by-step making of this look, and the products you need in order to achieve it. I’m happy with this new collaboration and I can’t wait to bring back on blog our “SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL” series.
Video by Emil Costrut
Assistant: Patricia Luiza