IN "Looks"
29 May 2015
So it’s gonna be forever?

RO: Inainte de a scrie orice, va multumesc pentru voturi! Voul vostru a contat, premiul People’s Choice e la Cluj. La mine in bagaj. Si pentru asta, domnitelor, rulers of online, va multumesc! Mai multe intr-o postare speciala. Now play the song:
EN: First things first: thank you all for voting! Each and every one of your votes counted, the People’s Choice Prize is in Cluj, in my luggage to be precise. And for that, ladies, rulers of online, I thank you! I will write more about it in a special post. Now play the song:
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Evening dress | Cream Summer Dress | Black Playsuit | Shoes and Accessories available on
RO: In acest moment mi-as dori sa fiu la Constanta. As purta o palarie enorma, din paie, probabil alba, doar asa ca diversitate si-o pereche de ochelari de soare. Saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta se deschide un nou Magazin Poema, in Maritomo Mall, pe malul marii, cum s-ar spune. Dar mai bine vizionam ceva recent. Nu stiu din ce motiv, insa mi se pare un film facut de ceva timp. Si a trecut atat de putina vreme, in fapt:
EN: Right now, I wish I were in Constanta. I’d wear a huge straw hat, in white most likely, and a pair of sunglasses. Next week a new Poema shop will be opening, in Maritomo Mall, on the sea shore (almost). But let’s look at something recent. For some reason, when I look at this video I feel as if we shot it a long time ago, when actually it’s quite the opposite.
a film by Emil Costrut @ Gradina Botanica
RO: Asadar, pe 5 iunie va invitam la deschiderea noul magazinului Poema. Cel mai probabil va fi sampanie, vor fi bloggeri si discont-uri cool, inca de la intrare. – vouchere de 50 lei CADOU primilor 50 de clienti & -20% reducere la toate produsele din noua colectie. Ne vedem acolo!
Si pe final fotografia mea preferata, in sfarsit in liliac si o-ntrebare: Care e tinuta voastra preferata din aceasta postare? Unde ati purta acel look?
EN: Therefore, on the 5th of June you’re invited to the opening of the new Poema shop. There will most likely be champagne, bloggers and cool discounts. There will be 50 lei vouchers for the first 50 clients and 20% off all pieces from the new collection. See you there!
In the end, my favorite photo, filled with lilac, and a question: What’s your favorite outfit featured in this post? Where would you wear it?
Love, A.