IN "Articles"
03 April 2015
Shop with me – episode 11

RO: Stiu, am hoinarit destul, s-au intamplat atat de multe pe Instagram si atat de putine pe blog, incat am hotarat ca in aceasta seara sa postam episodul 11, primul episod de primavara din seria #shopwithme. Dupa cum veti vedea in acest episod am cautat tinute potrivite pentru vacanta de Paste si cum de obicei ne petrecem sarbatorile acasa, avem nevoie de 2-3 tinute care sa fie versatile, simple dar in acelasi timp sa exprime ceea ce ne dorim. Am fost la cumparaturi in Promenada si am dat check-in in Motivi si Dandara, hai sa vedem tinutele din acest episod:
EN: I know, I’ve been traveling enough for now, as you can see, there has been a lot going on on Instagram and very few on the blog, so I’ve decided to post our 11th #shopwithme episode, tonight. Due to the fact that we usually spend our holidays at home, I’ve been searching for some classy and very appropriate, spring holiday looks. We need up to three simple, versatile looks that will express our mood and will keep us stylish at the same time. I’ve been shopping at Promenada Mall for you and we’ve hit the check-in button at Motivi and Dandara, so let’s see the outfits we’ve created in this episode:
Video: Nelu Zeces
Song: Paris is For Lovers from FET ET MOI
Hope you liked it, have a great weekend!