IN "Articles"
11 February 2015
Shop with me – Episode 10: My Valentine’s Day

Episode 10 is all about Valentine’s Day. As you will see, it’s more of an experiment, I tried on several looks that take me from day to night. It’s Valentine’s all day long so you should look dashing from breakfast to dawn. Let’s see our 10th Shop with Me episode and stay tuned for more, we’ve got a lot going on on the blog with the new series.
Episodul 10 este dedicat zilei de 14 februarie. Veti urmari un experiment, am purtat cateva tinute potrivite zilei de sambata cand trebuie sa aratam bine de dimineata pana seara. Hai sa urmarim impreuna episodul; ramaneti pe blog in zilele care urmeaza pentru ca planuim noi concursuri, noi postari si surprize, de vreme ce ne apropiem cu pasi repezi de ziua cu pricina.
Video: Szilard Ioo
for Promenada Mall
Qs. – What are your plans for Valentine’s Day?
(being that kind of a friend now, haha!)