IN "Articles"
01 April 2014
Shop with Me: Episode 1 Spring Basics

Dupa cum am promis, am revenit mai spre seara pe blog, cu primul episod din seria “Shop with Me”, serie pe care o regasiti aici, pe blog. Primul nostru episod a fost o provocare si pentru noi, incepand de la cadre, pana la voice-over, muzica si experienta de shopping la Promenada Mall Targu Mures. Sper sa va placa! Nu uitati sa va inscrieti in concursul deschis aici, puteti castiga unul dintre cele doua premii de 100 ron (item-uri la alegere) daca ne spuneti care e destinatia perfecta pentru o vacanta cu cea mai buna prietena! Kisses & enjoy:
As I promised, I was back on blog in the evening with the 1st episode from the “Shop with Me” series. You will be able to find the series, here. Our 1st episode was a challenge even for us: starting from the actual scenes to voice-overs & music and a new experience while we were shopping at Promenada Mall Targu Mures! I hope you will like it! Don’t forget to sign up in our contest here, because you can win one of the two prizes of 100ron (items at your choice) if you tell us what would be your perfect destination for a special getaway with your best friend! Kisses & enjoy:
Song in the video: Icona Pop – I love it (click here to listen again)
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