IN "Articles"
30 December 2014

Fetelor, eu sunt pe ultima suta de metri cu bagajele pentru Austria – maine dimineata luam avionul. Momentan sunt la pedichiura la Vestige. Tocmai am primit vestea ca avem postat online ultimul episod din seria Shop with Me. Cred ca e episodul meu preferat… O fi pentru ca e ultimul? Nu stiu… Robert se pricepe atat de bine la acest tip de filmari, la montaj, la a gasi piesele potrivite… Incat nu stiu ce o sa ma fac fara el cand se muta in Roma! O sa-mi fie dor de tine baiat! Let’s see the video! HD & FULL SCREEN + A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE MY LOVELY GIRLS!
Dear girls I’ve almost finished packing for our trip to Austria – tomorrow morning we will be on our way, up-up, in the air! I’m at Vestige right now, getting my pedicure done, I just love the rush, while getting ready for #alandalanye. And… I just got the good news: Our new episode from our #shopwithme series aired today! I just love the way the film turned out, Robert is doing such a great job, I just don’t know what I will do without him when he will move to Rome. I’ll miss you boy! Let’s see the video! HD & FULL SCREEN + A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE MY LOVELY GIRLS!
I give you:
A film by Robert C. Sandu
Filmed at Promenada Mall & Teatrul National (special thanks to Zsoltan for letting us film on stage)
Voiceovers and concept: Alina Ceusan
Hair and Makeup: A.C
Acestea fiind spuse vreau sa va intreb: voi ce veti purta maine noapte, de revelion si unde va veti afla la miezul noptii…? ✨
With this being said, I want you to tell me what you’re wearing tomorrow night and where are you going to be at 12 o’clock…? ✨
I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE THIS NYE! Happy new year my dear readers! Follow us on Instagram @alinaceusan @grebenisancarmen on #alandalanye hashtag, it’s ?!