IN "Articles"
14 May 2014
Scarf stories – Alina Ceusan for STILAGO

Photo: Emil Costrut (Check out his new page, here!)
De fiecare data cand intru intr-un magazin si vad o esarfa reactionez (imaginativ) in urmatorul mod:
“Ahh, o esarfa mov chimic* – o sa fac la un moment dat (poate chiar maine) o postare de street style pe blog si am sa folosesc esarfa asta. Mai bine: o sa o folosesc pe post de turban sau fusta, sau pe post de fundal pentru un flat-lay de Instagram! Pot chiar sa o prind la…” – si scenariul continua, in timp ma uit la vanzatoarea din stanga mea care isi misca buzele fara a spune insa, nimic… dintr-o data melodia de pe fundal se opreste si fosnetul clientilor revine in prim plan. Vanzatoarea incearca de fapt sa ma intrebe daca ma poate ajuta cu ceva… acesta e scenariul care se intrevede de fiecare data: eu, esarfa, o melodie de fundal si fantezii vizuale ale modului in care as putea sa o port:
So everytime I enter a shop and see a nice scarf I’m like this (just imagine the situation):
“Ah, a chemical purple* scarf – I will take some street style shots for the blog with this1 Even better: I’m going to use is as a turban or skirt, or maybe as the perfect background for my Intagram flat-lay! I could just use it as…” – and it goes on and on! Meanwhile the shop assistant is right next to me: her lips are moving, but I can’t hear a sound, nothing! After a while: Snap! All the rustle comes back and my background music fades away… The sales assistant was actually asking if she could help me… this kind of stuff happens to me all the time, and it has the same elements: there’s me, the scarf and a visual fantasy:
Sper ca imi intelegeti fantezia vizuala, nu de alta dar am sa va mai povestesc curand despre esarfele mele si modul in care GUESS what? Nu le port vreodata la gat! La fel cum cineva spunea ca viata e “prea scurta pentru alegeri plictisitoare”, tot asa vreau sa va anunt degraba noul proiect pe care il lansam pe blog in colaborare cu Stilago. Stilago inseamna Stil: un club de shopping exclusivist care ne aduce cele mai prestigioase marci de moda din lume. Azi sarbatorim lansarea brandului GUESS in cadrul proiectului Stilago, cu un concurs legat de o esarfa semnata Guess. Pentru a va inscrie in concurs, lasa da like paginii de facebook Stilago si paginii noastre de facebook Blog A.C si lasa un comentariu in care sa ne povestesti despre experienta ta creativa legata de o esarfa speciala. Un storyline desprins din seria “the girl with the green scarf”. Tu cum porti esarfele preferate? Giveaway: 14.05.2014 – 14.06.2014
Daca nu ai o experienta alaturi de o efarfa spune-mi cum ai asorta sau la ce ai purta esarfa Guess! Mult succes!
I hope you understand my fantasy, ‘cuz we are going to talk more about scarfs, and about the way in which GUESS what? I’m not wearing them wrapped around my neck! As someone once said “life it to short to wear boring clothes”, in the same way I want to tell you really fast about our new project, in collaboration with Stilago. Stilago means Style: an exclusive club that brings us closer to the most famous fashion brands in the world! Today we celebrate Stilago hosting GUESS online with a special contest: you can win a GUESS animal print scarf by entering the giveaway. To enter, you need to like Stilago Facebook page and our Blog A.C Facebook page and leave a comment below telling us about your creative way of wearing scarfs! Giveaway: 14.05.2014 – 14.06.2014
If you don’t have any ‘scfar experience’, tell us how you would wear the GUESS Animal print scarf we have as a prize! Good Luck!
P.S: Don’t forget to check out Emil’s new page – EML! He is the exquisite photographer behind many of my blog photos and a truly good friend!