IN "Articles"
19 January 2015
Rumour has it: How to blog?

“Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline purine, a methylxanthine alkaloid, and thus closely related chemically to the adenine and guanine contained in deoxyribonucleic acid.”
Hunting caffeine.
Formula: C8H10N4O2
Truth be told, we crave for a cup of coffee every morning, and there may be those golden mornings when we don’t beg for energy, but for the purest smell that can define one’s morning: hot coffee steam in the air. Maybe it’s Monday and since we’ve already decided Monday is just another weekend day, I want to stay in bed, flick trough old magazines and get lost in the infinite labyrinth of Pinterest boards. This is a post dedicated to all those ghosty-days that keep drumming us up with relaxation. I wake up, wrap myself in my robe and go make myself some coffee with milk and lots of sugar. I’m listening to music, sitting comfortable in the armchair that’s just next to the coffee machine. I’ll soon start rolling a cigarette and then I remember that all I wanted was to stay in bed. I’ll end up organising the clothes in the closet, washing the wooden floor and lighting up the white candles on our nigh tables… then I’ll climb into my bed with a half-full cup of cold coffee… This formula is hunting me: C8H10N4O2
Adevarul e ca in fiecare dimineata avem nevoie de o ceasca de cafea. Poate ca-n unele dimineti nu cerem energie, dar totusi stam in pat tanjind dupa mirosul diminetii, mirosul de cafea. Poate e luni si cum am decis deja ca ziua de luni face parte din weekend, vreau sa stau in pat, sa rasfoiesc reviste vechi si sa ma pierd cu orele in labirintul board-urilor de Pinterest. O postare pentru genul acesta de zile-fantoma, care te pacalesc cu ralaxarea. Ma trezesc, imi iau halatul pe mine si merg in birou sa-mi fac o cafea cu lapte si zahar din belsug. Stau pe fotoliul din dreapta cafetierei si ascult muzica, in timp ce-mi rulez o tigara si apoi incep sa-mi amintesc ca de fapt am vrut sa stau in pat, sa rasfoiesc reviste. In final ajung sa aranjez hainele-n dressing, sa spal parchetul si sa aprind lumanarile de pe noptiera. Si apoi, cu o juma’ de cana de cafea rece, ma asez in pat… This formula is hunting me: C8H10N4O2
The other drug these days: the black leather Jacket – you can order it here.
Zara Nude Blouse | Chic Diva Leather Jacket | Diva Charms Nude Pink Skirt | Dior Mohotani Sunglasses
Random Brand White x Nude Hosiery | Why Denis VENICE PINK Heels with pinned bows | Cristhelen B Nude Clutch from Musette
Anyone feeling hunted by
Love, A.
P.S: Today I really needed a coffee…I’m on my way to Bucharest for the #YSL Black Opium party. I’ll see you on friday from 19:00 at STILE. We are hosting a workshop about blogging – how to create your own blog, how to improve your content and some behind-the-scenes tips & tricks that you need to know! You have all the info about the event here, on Facebook!
Intre noi fie vorba, azi chiar aveam nevoie de o cafea. E in dreapta mea, se agita dintr-o curba-n alta… Pentru ca sunt in drum spre Bucuresti. Stau cateva zile in capitala pentru ca trebuie sa ajung cateva evenimente. Dupa petrecerea #blackopium din aceasta seara, ne vedem maine de la ora 19:00 la STILE, unde voi gazdui alaturi de Gabriela Atanasov un workshop despre blogging : Rumour has it: HOW TO BLOG? Vom vorbi despre cum sa iti faci un blog, cum sa monetizezi toata aceasta activitate online si cateva detalii “behind the scenes” of romanian blogging. Mai multe cuvinte frumoase, aici, in event-ul de pe Facebook. Va asteptam cu drag la acest event daca vreti sa ne cunoastem sau daca aveti un blog si multa incredere in fortele voastre insa vreti sa il dezvoltati. O sa fie un sfarsit de saptamana plin pentru noi, insa eu abia astept sa ajung in capitala. V-am pupat!
Off we go! Can’t wait to meet you!