IN "Articles"
20 February 2017
Rosé S’il Vous Plaît

- Unpacked a bag and packed other two – London, Bucharest, Milan, Hong Kong and the list could go on.
- I posted on YouTube the 3rd episode of the Mauritius mini series, the London vlog is being edited as we speak and we are getting ready for Milan. More vlogs are coming your way. Do keep in mind that I am still waiting for your suggestions about the vlog episodes and yes, spring will bring a new series of videos about how to live a healthy lifestyle. #HealthyLifestyle
- Packed and the cables and chargers that seem to exist in my life
Until our arrival in London or Milan, I will leave you with an outfit proposal. I tried it during a cold evening in Cluj after watching an amazing sunset. Our days in Cluj? Sunny by all appearances and the sunset is fascinating each and every day during this month – you can check the on we captured on the 14th here . Enjoy the look!
What I Wore: Essteffa Shoes / Sweet Paprika Jeans / Cloudy Atelier second skin / TGH X Alina Ceusan Faux Fur / Lee Cooper Scarf / AEP Pins / Ray Ban Vintage Sunglasses / Lancel Red Charlie Bag.