IN "Articles"
12 January 2014
Ripped & Nickelback

I’m wearing:
Motivi Ripped Jeans
H earrings on collar (Raus)
Crystal & Chrome Barcelona bracelets
Dress Up My Iphone – Ipad Case in Leopard
H&M Shirt
Love this last photo for so many reasons…
Am petrecut o duminica in compania prietenilor nostri. Am mancat la Pizza Hut (pizza, desigur!) – mai exact noua combinatie intre pizza si burger. Cine ar putea refuza asa ceva? Eu :)) – am mancat doar pizza, am lasat burgerul pentru fanii sai. Jeansii astia faini sunt de la Motivi, dar i-am mai rupt eu pe piciorul drept, pentru ca imi doream ceva mai mult de la ei decat un classy boyfriend jeans look… Si imi plac mult asa. Astept sa-i vad si in alte combiantii. Trebuie sa plec, sa imi fac tema la audio-vizual.
We’ve spent a beautiful Sunday in the company of our best friends. We had a quick brunch at Pizza Hut (pizza, of course!) – to be more specific, we’ve tried the new combo between pizza and a beef burger. Who could say no to that? Well, me – I just hd the pizza, and saved the burger part for it’s true fans/ Those cool jeans are from Motivi, but I’ve ripped them a bit more, just because I really wished something else… not just the classy boyfriend jeans look. And I love them. I’m looking forward to see them in many remixes. Gotta’ go, I’ve got homework (AV)