IN "Articles"
26 March 2014
Rio Subterraneo Vall D'Uixo / Gollum

Una dintre experientele noastre de vacanta de la care nu stiam la ce sa ma astept. Ajunsi in Valencia, unchiul meu ne propunea o destinatie turistica surprinzatoare. Ne povestise la un moment dat, in fata casei, cand ne-am intalnit dupa multa vreme despre existenta unui rau subteran, in Vall D’Uixo. Nu apucasem inca sa ma obisnuiesc cu temperaturile destul de ridicate din aceasta perioada din Valencia, purtam o pereche de pantaloni din piele Pull & Bear si un maieu negru, larg. Vantul imi flutura parul in toate directiile si Mihaela ramasese surprinsa cumva de noua schimbare de look, pentru ca nu apucase (nici ea) sa ma vada. Ce vorbesc, nici eu nu ma obisnuisem cu faptul ca aveam parul blond, din nou. In cele cateva minute in care ne-au vorbit despre urmatoarea noastra destinatie, imi veneau in minte imagini care situau raul subteran undeva intre o pestera si catacombele din Paris. Am decis ca e un obiectiv care merita vizitat, asa ca urmatoarea zi am pornit spre Val D’Uixo. Douazeci de minute si o oprire in livada de portocali mai tarziu, eram deja la fata locului.
One of our holiday experiences from which I had no expectations. When we arrived in Valencia, my uncle told us about a surprising destination. They told us at one time, when we met after a long period of time in front of the house, about an underground river, in Vall D’Uixo. I didn’t have the time to get used to the high temperatures in Valencia this time or the year so I was wearing a pair of black leather trousers from Pull & Bear and a black loose top. The wind blows my hair everywhere and Mihaela was still surprised about my new hair colour. What am I talking about, even I was surprised about being blonde again. In those few minutes, while they told us about San Jose underground river, I was picturing something between Paris catacombs and a cave. We’ve decided it’s a great thing to do, so the next day we took a ride to Val D’Uixo. Twenty minutes and a stop in the orange orchard later we were at the spot!
Wardrobe B Square Shirt | Zara Shorts | No.1 Black Skull Flats | Ray Ban yellow sunnies
De fiecare data cand iesim din tara, raman surprinsa de modul in care toate sunt puse la punct. Pana si iarba pare tunsa cu forfecuta, la linie. Despre peisaj nu are rost sa va mai spun, pentru ca fotografiile spun totul. Am cumparat biletele si am servit o inghetata asteptand plecarea urmatoarei barci, pe rau. Intrarea era simpla, usor comerciala, inchisa cu niste ghirlande de lant negru care nu permitea accesul pana la ora de plecare. O femeie zambitoare deschide apoi “poarta catre cealalta lume” si pornim. Singura mea dezamagire a fost faptul ca peste tot erau semne care ne atentionau ca nu avem voie sa facem fotografii sau sa filmam 🙁
Fotografia de mai jos am facut-o insa pe scarile de langa intrare. Mai nou am o obsesie fotografica legata de scari, mai ales atunci cand ele prezinta un centru de interes, cum sunt marginile oranj-aprins aici:
Every time we go abroad, I’m surprised about the way everything looks so great. I mean, even the grass seems perfectly trimmed by hand. There;s no point in telling you about the scenery because the pictures will do their job. We paid for the tickets and had some ice cream before we could enter. The entrance was simple, somehow commercial, closed with some metal chains. A smiling woman opened “the gate to the other world” and here we go. My only disappointment was the fact that we weren’t aloud to take any pictures or to shoot videos 🙁
This picture though, was taken on stairs, near the entrance. I seem to have a new photographic obsession about stairs and these had something special – the bright orange!
Calatoria noastra in bracuta de 15 persoane pe raul subteram a durat aproximativ 10 minute. 10 minute de liniste, in care tot ce puteai auzi era miscarea lina a apei sub vasla ghidului care ne vorbea in spaniola. Intelegeam in mare parte explicatiile care veneau din spate, insa cum am stat chiar in primele locuri ale barcii, aveam o priveliste extrem de linistita si calma. Uneori fiind prinsi in grijile de zi cu zi, uitam de aceste locuri frumoase, ascunse de ochii lumii, care te fac sa visezi. Peisajul persterii e format din nuante de maro, bej si gri, de colo colo se zaresc pe mal urme de vegetatie verde, luminata special pentru a fi in centrul atentiei. Apa raului subteran este insa de o claritate sublima. Chiar si in locurile in care ghidul ne spune ca are o adancime de 8 metri, poti vedea bine fundul bazinului si cablurile prafuite, acoperite de nisip.
La jumatatea calatoriei cu barca, am fost invitati sa pasim in pestera: 250 de metri de uscat, pe care ne-am plimbat. Aici am reusit sa facem cateva fotografii. Nu mai are rost sa spun ca am incercat sa fac cateva cu obiectivul de la Sony, insa vocea ma intrerupea, miscand usor barca: “Señora, no fotos, por favor”. Señora, señora, am inteles, spun eu intristata oarecum pentru ca nu mai aveam cum sa va arat tot ce am vazut eu. Am avut parte insa de o experienta linistioare, in care am uitat de toata fuga exterioara si am ramas placut surpinsi de tot ceea ce se afla in interiorul pamantului. Tot atunci am decis sa vizitam mai multe astfel de locuri, in lume, in vacantele urmatoare. Poate-poate vom putea face, la un moment dat fotografii…
Our trip took about 10 minutes, and the boat had 15 places. Ten minutes of silence, in which all you could hear was the smooth movement of the water under the paddle of our guide. He was talking in spanish. I could understand most of what he was saying but his words were slowly fading away from the back, as I was sitting in the 1st row of the boat. We had a superb view: calm and peaceful. Sometimes, caught in our daily worries we forget about all the beautiful places like this, hidden underground.The scenery was all beige, grey and brown, somewhere in the corners you could already see little green plants illuminated especially so they could be seen. The underground water of San Jose river was crystal-clear. Even a few places where the depth went down to 8 metres you could still see the the bottom and the cables covered in sand.
Half of our journey was now over and we were invited to a 250-m walk on land. We managed to take some photos here. It’s useless to say that I tried to snap some pics with the Sony QX lens, interrupted by a voice back there: “Señora, no fotos, por favor”. Señora, señora, I understand – I said somehow sad because I already knew I will not be able to show you what I’ve seen. We had a beautiful experience and we forgot about all the rush outside.We were amazed to see what was laying there, inside our planet Earth. This was also the moment when we decided we will visit more places like this and maybe we will be able to snap some pictures sometime…
Mai spre seara, la Wok Real, ne uitam peste cele cateva fotografii. Raul mi-a spus ca a reusit sa filmeze ceva cu telefonul, urmeaza sa vad daca pot folosi in vreun fel portiunea in video-ul Travel With Us… Seara s-a dovedit a fi la fel de linistia, insa am avut ocazia sa gustam tot felul de vietati marine, multe dintre ele pentru prima data pentru mine, sincer inca incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu gandul si gustul: tot soiul de scoici, broscute, homari, caracatite si alte vietati. Eu sunt cu portocalele mai mult… :))
Later that night we had dinner at Wok Real, and we were reviewing the photos on the camera. Raul told me he somehow managed to get some of our boat trip filmed with his iPhone, I’m looking forward to see if we can use it in our Travel With Us footage. The night was very quiet, but we got the chance to taste all kind of marine beings, some of them for the 1st time (for me). I’m still getting used to eating clams, frogs, lobsters, octopuses… I seem to like oranges better… :))
Eu dupa cum se vede, imi caut fotografiile pentru urmatoarea postare de Travel, Fallas Fires – ca doamne multe poze sunt si fain a fost! Sper sa aveti parte de o zi frumoasa, noi tocmai am venit de la sala si suntem rupti (see on Instagram)! Va pup, printeselor :*
As you can see I’m looking for my pics for the next Travel post – Fallas Fires – and oh, there are many pictures! I hope you had a great day, we just got home from the gym and we’re wasted (see on Instagram)! Kisses princesses :*
Mai jos, v-am lasat niste poze de pe google cu raul San Jose, un loc in care m-am gandit la Gollum (daca nu stiti cine e Gollum, va rog din suflet sa downloadati seria Lord of the Rings si sa le vedeti macar pe doua dintre ele in seara asta – preferatele mele!) Cred ca Gollum se ascundea pe acolo pe undeva oricum… Ce pot sa zic? Am o imaginatie bogata…:))
Here are some google pics of San Jose river, where I also thought a lot about Gollum (if you don’t know who’s Gollum, you must download Lord of the Rings seres tonight and watch ’em – one of my favourite movies). I think Gollum was hiding there somewhere. Oh, what can I say… I have a big imagination…:))
P.S: Una dintre cititoarea mi-a scris azi: Iubesc noua ta rubrica dedicata unei vieti sanatoase! Datorita tie sunt si eu acum motivata sa fiu adepta unui stil de viata sanatos! Multumesc! – nu pot fi decat foarte fericita, astept propunerile voastre pentru urmatoarele articole. Am si eu cateva in minte: detox-urile pe care le-am urmat, produse pentru slabire & tonifiere, cleasne drinks, smoothies si un serial video cu antrenamentele noastre cu Andreea! 😀
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