IN "Articles"
17 January 2014

NEW BOOTS: 44 ron (Second Hand, Strada Horea, Cluj Napoca, 15.01.2014) / reducere 50% din pretul initial (Come on, sunt si din piele)
NEW BOOTS: 44 ron (SH Shop, Horea Street, Cluj Napoca, 15.01.2014) / 50% off (Come on, they are real leather)
Bratari CUFF, simple, pe auriu (37 de ron fiecare, Promenada Mall, Bucuresti, Un magazin de bijuterii) – veche dorinta. (vara, 2013)
CUFF Bracelet, in simple, gold (37 ron each, Promenada Mall, Bucharest, A random jewels store) – old wish (summer, 2013)
+ Stradivarius Faux Fur Bag
+H&M Leather Jacket (F/W 2013)
+ Dior Mohotani Sunglasses
+ Second Hand Shop Random Silk Shirt in Beige
Inca un motiv sa iubesc magazinele second hand. Pentru momentele alea in care treci grabita a 10 oara prin fata magazinului si vezi a 11-a oara, o pereche de cizme pana la genunchi, negre de piele, care sunt la reducere. Reducere la Reducere! Am platit 44 de lei si le-am scos la plimbare a 2-a zi. I love them! As vrea sa va spun ca azi am avut parte de un moment special: prima aparitie intr-o revista. (Stiu, e lame, dar pentru mine inseamna mult). Dupa cum bine stiti, azi se implinesc 2 ani de cand ne dam intalnire aici pe blog. O intalnire intre blogger si cititor. Intre doua fete.
Estetica – doua fotografii, semnate Roxana Enache, in care purtam Charles&Ron, la FFD. Aveam parul roz si titlul e dulce: Cotton Candy. Ne vedem pe instagram va pup, gasiti revista in punctele de difuzare a presei (see Inmedio) dar o gasiti si la mine pe instagram! Ne vedem maine pe blog cu o surpriza de proportii de la Sony!
Another reason to love second hand shops. For those moments when you’re passing for the 10th time along its window and the 11th time, you see a pair of brand new knee high boots in black, classy, leather. And they are also on sale. Sale on the sales! I payed 44 ron, and took them out for a walk the second day they entered my life. I love them! I just want to tell you that today I had a few moments of happiness: Raul brought home the 1st magazine that I’ve been into since the blog has started to grow. As you might know, today we celebrate 2 years since we’ve been dating. Me and you, the blogger, the reader… two girls.
Estetica – 2 pages, 2 photos made by talented Roxana Enache, wearing Charles&Ron, at FFD. I has pink hair and the title is sweet: “Cotton Candy” I will see you on Instagram, you can find the magazine in Inmedio, but you can also find it on my Instagram! See you tomorrow on blog with a huge surprise from Sony!
follow me on iNSTAGRAM @alinaceusan