IN "Articles"
02 December 2015
Our plans for December

In fiecare an ne propunem (noi = eu + Carmen) sa ne ocupam din timp de cadourile de Craciun… si in fiecare an ajungem sa alergam in 23 decembrie, cu o gramada de cutii puse una peste alta in brate, incercand sa nu scapam vreuna pe jos, dupa hartie de impachetat, decoratiuni minuscule de pus pe cutii, pungi de glitter si dupa te-miri-ce mai trebuie taiat de pe lista.
Din fericire pentru noi, inca nu am intrat in luna decembrie, asa ca avem cateva zile sa punem la cale ce avem de facut. Sunt niste lucruri pe care le tot vad pe Pinterest si imi doresc sa le fac in acest an. Sa vedem:
- PLAN GIFTS: Primul lucru pe care trebuie sa il fac in acest an e sa fac o lista cu toata lumea care a fost cuminte si trebuie sa primeasca un cadou, dupa care sa dau o fuga pana la librarie, sa aleg cutiile si hartia pentru cadouri. Voi lua ca de obicei hartie simpla de impachetat, bej, genul de hartie in care e plauzibil sa primesti ambalat, un cadou de la Polul Nord.
- WRITE CARDS: Daca tot sunt la librarie, trebuie sa iau plicuri pentru felicitari. Imi doresc ca in acest an sa-mi petrec o zi scriind felicitari. Anul asta am primit de la niste prieteni care au fost in vacanta in Palma o felicitare si mi-am dat seama (yet again) cat de frumos e sa primesti o felicitare, in posta – lucru de mult uitat, ca doar putem trimite e-carduri si sms-uri acum. Vreau felicitari pentru toata lumea in acest an, asadar avem pe lista plicuri si felicitari.
- DECORATE EARLY: Vreau sa decorez casa la inceputul lunii, ca sa ne putem bucura mai mult de sentimentul placut de sarbatoare. Tin minte cand am facut bradul anul trecut si dintr-o data casa arata… acasa. Saptamana viitoare trebuie sa aducem toate decoratiunile.
- COOK SOME GOODIES: Nu sunt eu mare fana a dulciurilor, insa vreau sa o chem pe Carmen la mine (citesti, fetito?) si sa facem omuleti de turta dulce, ursuleti cu migdale si alte frumuseti pe care le-am vazut pe blogul Ramonei Constantinescu ( Vreau si un tort de Craciun. Cu retetele Ramonei si Carmen langa mine, n-am cum sa dau gres.
- MAKE HOUSE SMELL LIKE XMAS: Trebuie sa fac un stoc mare de ingrediente pentru acest “Holiday Potpourri” pe care l-am descoperit pe Pinterest. In mare, avem nevoie de merisoare, portocale, scortisoara, cuisoare, ghimbir si crengute de brad. Pentru ultimul ingredient o sa am nevoie de un bradut din care sa tot fur in fiecare zi cate o crenguta. Punem toate ingredientele la foc mic, pe plita si in cateva minute, toate acasa miroase a sarbatoare. Credeti-ma, reteta asta e Craciunul intr-o craticioara, trebuie sa o incercati.
- JAZZ IT UP: Sa fac playlist-uri cu Jazz, de atmosfera. Pe blog am facut deja unul, insa am nevoie de playlist pe CD si stick USB. Tare as vrea sa gasesc un gramofon vechi pana de Craciun si niste viniluri vechi sa le-ascultam toata ziua. Cea mai buna idee ar fi sa fac un playlist pe care il pot pune direct pe TV, in living room.
- ENJOY WINTER: Musai musai anul asta trebuie sa mergem la patinoar, la bulgarit si sa cutreieram vreo padure cand se depune un strat gros de zapada, sa facem niste poze.
- UNWIND: Trebuie sa mergem la spa la Sungarden, nimic nu se compara cu o zi friguroasa de decembrie in care te retragi cateva ore, undeva departe de oras, la spa. Complexul Sungarden se afla undeva langa Cluj, ai ceva de mers cu masina prin padure, pe un drum care pun pariu ca arata de poveste cand zapada il imbraca…Daca ajungeti prin Cluj va recomand sa treceti pe acolo, e minunat. Bwt, nu este semnat la telefon, asa ca o sa te relaxezi 100%. Pentru atunci cand nu avem timp sa ajungem la Sungarden, merge si o sesiune de inot la Wordclass in Iulius Mall de unde se vede orasul (asa ca ar fi frumos sa si ninga in ziua in care mergem)
- Sa cumpar pijamale de Craciun. Sau pijamale noi, ma rog. Raul vrea niste pijamele Ralph Lauren. Ideea e sa fie niste pijamale in care poti sta in dimineata de Craciun si sa te simti bine in ele. Sa fie noi. Eu cred ca raman tot la ceva rosu. (Idei?)
- CAUCIUCURI DE IARNA. Ultimele pe lista, dar atat de necesare.
Si acestea fiind spuse, inchei lista de lucruri pe care trebuie sa le facem in aceasta luna. Deja ma simt mai bine, doar pentru simplul fapt c-am facut o lista si mi-am organizat putin gandurile. Astept sa-mi spuneti ce vreti voi sa faceti inainte de Craciun, cum va organizati, pe unde va relaxati. Va multumesc ca sunteti dincolo de ecran, ca-ntotdeauna.

Each year we tell ourselves (we meaning me and Carmen) that we are going to take care of the Christmas gifts in advance… aaand each year since we’ve been living in Cluj we end up running around on the 23rd of December, while holding dozens of boxes and praying they won’t fall off. Happily for us, it’s not December yet, so we still have some days left to plan what we have to do. There are some things I keep seeing on Pinterest and I wish I could do them – sometimes when we hurry we forget a lot of things, things that could bring with themselves a sea of happiness that would bring us closer to the Holiday spirit. Let’s see:
1. PLAN GIFTS: The first thing I need to do today is to make a list with everybody who’s been nice this year and deserves a present, after which I will hurry at IPB to choose neat boxes and wrapping paper. As always, I will probably pick simple wrapping paper, in beige, the kind in which you could actually receive a present from the North Pole.
2. WRITE CARDS: If I go to IPB then I should also buy envelopes for cards. This year, I wish to spend a day writing cards. A few months ago I received a card from some friends who were in Palma and I realized, yet again, how wonderful it is to find one in your post – something we have forgotten in the era of emails and sms. I want to send everyone a card this year.
3. DECORATE EARLY: I want to decorate our home at the beginning of the month, so we can enjoy the Holiday spirit as long as possible. I remember decorating the tree last year and suddenly… the house looked like a home. Next week we need to take out all the decorations.
4. COOK SOME GOODIES: I’m not a huge fan of sweets, but I want to call Carmen over (you reading this?) and make gingerbread people, tiny bears with almonds and other lovely stuff I’ve seen on Ramona’s blog ( I also want a Christmas cake. With Ramona’s recipes and Carmen by my side nothing can go wrong.
5. MAKE THE HOUSE SMELL LIKE CHRISTMAS: I need to stock up on some ingredients for this “Holiday Potpourri” that I discovered on Pinterest. Basically I need oranges, cinnamon, cranberry, clove, ginger and tree branches. For the last ingredient I will get a small Christmas tree, from which I’ll keep stealing tiny branches. Believe me, this recipe is Christmas in a bowl, you need to try it.
6. JAZZ IT UP: Make a jazz playlist. I already have one on the blog, but I need a CD and a USB stick. The best idea would be to make a playlist and put it on the TV, so we can listen to it all day.
7. ENJOY WINTER: This year we must go ice skating, snow fighting and explore a forest after a serious amount of snow has fallen.
8. UNWIND: We must go to the spa at Sungarden, nothing compares to retreating for a few hours during a cold and busy December day. The Sungarden complex is somewhere near Cluj and I bet that the tiny forest road that takes you there looks amazing covered in snow. When we don’t have that much free time, we also love having a swim at Worldclass in Iulius Mall, where you can see the whole city unfolding.
9. I also have to buy Christmas pajamas, or at least new ones. Raul wants Ralph Lauren, I think I am sticking with red. And I must not forget, I also have to order around 6 Christmas cups from KD Handmade.
10. WINTER WEELS: Last on the list, but so important.
I think this is all I need to have on my to do list this month. I’m waiting for you to tell me what you’re planning on doing before Christmas, how you organize your time, what you’re thinking about. Thank you for being on the other side of the screen, as always.

What I wore: Adola Lucescu White Faux Fur Snow Boots (more colors, order here) | vintage cosy blouse | Mug from KD Handmade (order until the 16th of December here).