IN "Looks"
22 December 2015
Our #greyhair capsule collection for Divisima
Fetelor suntem fericite sa va anuntam ca in seara asta am lansat colectia capsula de extensii gri. Vorbeam de atata timp despre griul perfect, care depinde evident de o baza destul de deschisa (blond) si se poate obtine in salon, insa problema extensiilor tot nu era rezolvata, pentru ca nu gaseam extensii vopsite, gri.
Am lansat asadar, in colaborare cu Divisima, doua nuante de extensii clip-on gri, cate una pentru nunata fiecarei dintre noi: Crystal Grey pentru Carmen & Frozen Grey pentru mine. Fiecare set contine noua piese din par natural remy 100%; extensiile avand o lungime de 50 cm. Am ales varianta cu clips pentru ca sunt foarte usor de montat, le poti prinde in functie de coafura dorita, dar si pentru ca noile clips-uri au un grip foarte bun, care te scuteste de taparea parului. #MoreTimeForUS
Extensiile sunt disponibile incepand din aceasta seara, pe
Hi girls! We’re very excited to tell you that we’ve launched the grey hair extensions capsule collection. I’ve been talking for so long about the perfect grey, that obviously depends a lot on a light base color (blonde) and can be obtained in a salon. However, my extensions issue was never solved: I could never find the perfect grey extensions.
We’ve therefore launched, in collaboration with Divisima, two different shades of grey clip-on extensions, one for each of us: Crystal Grey for Carmen & Frozen Grey for me. Each set contains two pieces of natural 100% remy hair; the extensions are 50cm long. We chose the clip-on type because they’re very easy to use, you can clip them on according to the hairstyle you’re going for, yet also because the new clips have a very good grip, that doesn’t require you to tease your hair beforehand. #MoreTimeForUS
The extensions are available starting tonight on