IN "Articles"
14 July 2015
text by Domnica Margescu | Photos by Emil Costrut | Hairstyle by Raul Tisa (Vestige Atelier)
RO: Fireste, acesta e momentul in care zambesc in timp ce scriu. Scriu de mult timp si zambetul nu mi-a pierit vreodata de pe buze, insa AZI sunt foarte entuziasmata sa va spun ca am aparut in sectiunea “Operatiunea Dulapul” din revista ELLE, editia iulie 2015. Vreau sa multumesc intregii echipe ELLE Romania ca m-am ales pentru aceasta rubrica, inca imi pare un vis, insa este un mare pas inainte pentru mine si sunt mandra de aceste pagini din revista. Now go grab your Elle July & tag your picture with #AlinaCeusanOperatiuneaDulapul so I can see your post!
EN: Sure thing this is the moment I’m smiling while writing. I’ve been writing here for a while and my smile hasn’t faded since my 1st post but TODAY I’m elated to tell you that I’m the star of “Operatiunea Dulapul” (can’t really be translated) from ELLE Romania, July issue. I want to thank ELLE Romania team for picking me as a featured fashion blogger for their column, this still feels like a dream to me, but it is indeed a big step forward and I I’m very proud of this achievement. Now go grab your Elle July & ag your picture with #AlinaCeusanOperatiuneaDulapul so I can see your post!