IN "Articles"
12 September 2015
Once upon a time…
# Looks

RO: Rochia asta albastru-inchis de la face totul sa piara in jurul ei. Parca dintr-o data toata atentia cade pe rochie, mai presus de personaj, ori peisajul care il inconjoara. Imi amintesc prima oara cand am pozat o rochie de la Dalsy si am simtit acelasi lucru. Rochiile lor sunt intr-adevar superbe, iar daca vei ajunge sa porti una, vei intelege ceea ce incerc sa iti spun acum.
Vorbeam azi cu mama la telefon, in jurul orei 13, fiind oarecum cu gandul in alta parte… si imi spunea cat de mult i-a placut aceasta poza si rochia in sine… Adevarul e ca si pisicilor li se parea la fel de interesanta rochia, astfel ca am ajuns ca fug de ei prin casa, sa putem poza… (rad) E sambata dupamasa, nu mai pot zambovi mult, caci trebuie sa ma pregatesc si sa plec. Departe. Insa tu probabil vei citi asta tarziu, cand eu voi fi plecat deja… In seara asta mergem la nunta unor prieteni, asa ca am gasit de cuviinta sa postez si pe blog ceva elegant, departe de nebunia look-urilor military ale acestei saptamani. Enjoy the look:
EN: This deep blue Dalsy dress makes everything fade away. It’s like all of a sudden, all you can see is this dress, not the girl wearing it or the setting, but only the dress. I have to say, their dresses are truly spectacular, I can clearly remember having the same feeling while shooting my 1st look for them. Trust me, when you’ll try on one of their dresses, you will understand what I’m talking about. Earlier today, at about 1 p.m, I was on the phone with my mom, and she told me how much she liked this picture, and the dress. Truth be told, the kittens found the dress very interesting, so I ended up running around the house, and hiding, to take the photos.
RO: Cuvintele sunt de prisos, insa vreau sa-mi spui care e rochia ta preferata din lunga lista pe care o au ei, pe Lasa-mi un link! Sper sa aveti parte de un weekend asa cum se cuvine, alaturi de prieteni, undeva in oras, grijile sa va zboare departe si sampania sa curga. Cuz’ that’s how we like it!
EN: Words are meaningless right now, tonight we are going to celebrate the union of our friends, in Bistrita, so I might as well be long gone before you get to read this, but just let me know one thing: which is your favorite dress from Show me the link! Hope you will have an a la carte weekend, I hope all your worries will go away with the flow of champagne. Cuz’ that’s how we like it!