IN "Featured"
24 November 2016
Off to Athens

It’s 6:10 in the morning and as I pass the sliding door of the Cluj Napoca airport, I celebrate my lack of sleep with a lazy yawn. I’ve visually ticked the check in office and instead of waiting for my turn for the Bucharest flight, I turn my steps to the press spot because a new magazine is waiting for me on the shelf. It’s the December number of the Elle magazine, with Alice Peneaca on the cover.
With the magazine still in its foil and carefully placed under my arm I am now boarding. First things first, I start the new Elle issue with Roxana Voloseniuc’s words about Jeans Couture, also anticipating ELLE Style Awards and the 19 years of work for the magazine. Her words filled with emotion confirmed once again her style: Sexy, stylish, and spirited.
Later on, page 162: “Everything about Alina Ceusan”. I read my answer to the question: “What is your daily routine?” And exactly because my profession implies countless trips and different situations, my days can consist of various activities that never look alike. This means that I can hardly say that I enjoy any type of routine. My days look like a hybrid between what I call a perfect morning: coffee in bed, breakfast on the balcony with Raul, e-mails and a short check of my favorite websites and the crazy reality check when I have to get up at 5 AM to leave for Bucharest. That’s the spirit! I whisper to myself while listening Policy of Truth from Depeche Mode.
Inception feeling, this morning I really got up at 5 AM to leave for Bucharest and I was reading this article on the plane. In the meantime, I arrived in Bucharest because we leave for Athens in a two days press trip, courtesy of Tommy Hilfiger. Can’t wait to landddd.
Kisses and do share your thoughts regarding the December Elle issue.
What I Wore: Nude Clara Suede Boots from Joyas, TGH X Alina Ceusan Soft Pink Coat, Ocko Shop Knitted Dress, AEP Earrings, Ludique Diamont White Fishnets, DIY corset.