IN "Articles"
25 August 2015
Night air: 616730-110

RO: Aceasta este o postare de look. Se-ntampla sa vrei sa pozezi un look si sa il postezi ca atare, cu o piesa pe blog. Pana la urma nu asta e menirea unui blog de stil? Sa te inspire? Momentan ma aflu intr-o zona de alb-negru, nu stiu de ce se-ntampla asta insa imi aduc aminte ca am intrat in Nike, la Iulius Mall cu gandul de a-mi cumpara pantofi sport, pentru sala. Ei bine, am facut ce-am facut si am iesit din magazin cu o pereche de Nike Air alb-negru (clar nu pentru sala). Ignorasem trendul, insa acum, fiind pusa fata in fata cu peretele din partea stanga a magazinului, am renuntat la ideea unui pantof de sala si i-am luat. A durat mai putin de 5 minute. Incercasem sa le explic fetelor de la magazin ca imi doresc pantofi de sala, insa vreau sa arate si bine, pentru ca evident, vreau sa ii port si in alte circumstante. Nu stiu daca ma credeti dar de multe ori stau in dressing si nu stiu ce sa incalt in situatiile casual. Mergem la Tarnita, pe ponton, daca nu e vreme buna sa-ncalt una dintre perechile de sandale gladiaor, inlemnesc. Nu am adidasi, sneakeri. Iubesc pantofii cu toc. Si totusi, am cumparat si o pereche de sneakersi alb-negru care arata stylish si ma multumesc. Aceasta, fetelor, a fost o investitie buna.
+ Starea de fericire a omului e strans legata de hormonul cerebral numit endorfina, un adevarat drog natural. #releasedwhenshopping
EN: Girls, this is a look post. From time to time, you feel the need to shoot a look and just post it as it is, on your blog, with a cool tune in the background. Isn’t this the whole point of a style blog? To inspire you? Right now I’m in a black and white space, I don’t know what’s going on but I clearly remember entering the Nike store in Iulius Mall, with the intention to buy gym shoes, or gym attire. One thing led to another and I found myself leaving the store with a new purchase: a pair of black and white air max (clearly not destined for gym). To be honest, I’ve been ignoring the whole airman trend, but when I saw myself standing in the front of this huge wall full of sneakers, I gave up on the idea of a nice slim gym shoe and bought the nikes. All this happened in less than 5 minutes. I tried to talk them into the thought of a beautiful pair of black and white air max, because I strongly desired to wear them in many other situations, than gym. Now, I don’t know if you believe me, but whenever I have to achieve a casual look, I realize I don’t own any cool sneakers. I mean if it’s not sunny so I can grab one of the many gladiator sandals I have, I’m dead. I’m out of this game. I love heeled shoes. And yet, I bought a pair of Nike Air Max last week, they look pretty stylish, and I’m pleased. Girls, this was a smart investment.
+ Our happiness depend very much on this hormone, called endorphin, a true natural drug. #releasedwhenshopping
WHAT I WORE: Nike Air 616730-110 | Noire Lace-up Leather Dress | Choies Black and White Blazer | H&M Sunglasses in Silver.
hope you’ve enjoyed the post! Let me know which is your favorite pair of Nike Air Max – links, photos or codes.