IN "Iasi"
12 December 2013
New Year's Eve Heels

Ce am primit azi prin curier – (o cutie cu pantofii mei pentru revelion). Un produs pe care uitasem ca l-am comandat – acum 10 zile. Pantofii sunt de la Smiling Shoes, gasiti site-ul aici, iar modelul pe care l-am comandat eu, aici. De ce a durat 10 zile ca acesti pantofi sa ajunga la mine? Pentru ca cei de la Smiling Shoes iti dau ocazia sa alegi pielea si textura din care pantoful vrei sa fie facut. Am ales nuanta Auriu 501 Efecte. Iar rezultatul imi place mult de tot:
What have I received from the mailman today – (a box containing my New Year’s Eve heels). I somehow forgot about the fact that I’ve ordered them 10 days ago. The heels are from Smiling Shoes, you can find the site here, and the shoe I’ve got, here! Why took it so long for these heels to show up at my door? The fact that the Smiling Shoes team give you the occasion to customise your shoes, by choosing between several leather colours & textures. I’ve chosen Golden 501 Effects (“Auriu 501 Efecte”) . And I have to say I love the result:
Am petrecut ceva timp reorganizand masuta de machiaj azi si cautand noi solutii de depozitare. Momentan as vrea sa imi comand niste dulapioare transparente si organizatorare pentru cosmetice… Daca aveti idee unde as putea gasi asa ceva, in Romania, as aprecia!
I spent some time re-organising the my vanity, and searching for new storing solutions. Right now I just wish to order some of the crystal clear makeup organisers. If you guys have any idea where I could get some of those clear organisers, let me know!
(Zara Home Fragrance – Ginger Lily – 79ron)
Nu am o colectie intreaga de produse cosmetice, daca asta va inchipuiti. Prefer sa imi cumpar produsele esentiale. Investesc destul de des intr-un fond de ten ca Estee Lauder Double Wear. In lipsa lui folosesc Revlon Colorstay, Nyx HD sau (noul!) Max Factor Whipped Cream. Am impartit produsele cosmetice in doua categorii, respectiv in doua locuri: in baie (esentiale, machiaj de zi), pe masuta de machiaj (esentiale, machiaj de seara) . Intr-o cutie de la Morrocan Oil am ascuns tot soiul de cosmetice si pensule pe care nu le folosesc, decat foarte rar.
I don’t have a whole collection of makeup products, if that’s what you think. I prefer to buy just the essentials. I invest in a foundation like Estee Lauder, Double Wear, but if I’m not using that one, I’ll have Revlon Colorstay for Oily Skin, Nyx HD or the new Whipped Cream Foundation from Max Factor. I separated the cosmetics in two categories/places in the house: I stored just the essentials for a basic day makeup in the bathroom, the essentials for getting an evening makeup on the vanity, in the bedroom. I also used a Morrocan Oil Box to store all the brushes and products that I rarely use.
Noi am decis sa iesim in oras in aceasta seara. Astept sa va povestesc la un moment dat, despre tinuta pe care am ales-o pentru revelion. Nu, nu are paiete!
We’ve decided to go out tonight. I’m looking forward to tell soon about my New Year’s Eve outfit. No, it doesnt’t include sequins!
Yōji Yamamoto Wedges | Exclusives Black Sequin Dress | Tiffany accessories
Acest articol nu vrea sa faca reclama nici unui brand, dar ar trebui sa vedeti colectia caspula pe care Ana Morodan o are in colaborare cu Smiling Shoes:
This article is not meant to advertise anyone, but you should see Ana Morodan’s Capsule Collection for Smiling Shoes!