IN "Looks"
02 July 2018
My tattoo capsule collection is now online. #AcFestivalSeries
# Beauty # Fashion # Make Up # Summer

Good and fresh news todays for you, on the blog. We’ve just launched the semi-permanent tattoo capsule collection together with This collection talks about the reality we’re currently experiencing on social media, taking into account that a generous part of the concept is rooted in the influencer term.
2018 seems to be the influencer’s year, we keep hearing this term and why not admit, it often comes surrounded by a negative meaning. After all, when we think about it, how can we define the influencer? Someone who can influence your behavior, way of thinking and freedom of choice by his/her words. If Christian tells Cristina (and yes, this is a real life example) that he loves Baracca because the food served there is brilliant, the services are the same and on top of all that – it’s his favorite place in Cluj, Cristina will pass this information through her filter and finally will spread the information forward – particularly if she’ll order a main steak course which is perfectly cooked. You are an influencer as well, whether you want it or not. And this great actually because we define oursevles as a generation who lives by a different set of rules. A generation enjoying online environments in a positive way, taking useful pieces of information out of it and bringing the personal input to it, with a minor importance directed to the number of followers or friends from our online lists.
The curent set up gives us the opportunity of celebrating our identity. How are we celebrating? Through tattoos, using them as an extension of ourselves. After all, we are the sum of those people we spend most of the time with. The sum of all the qualities we have seen in others. Our accessories becomes an extension of our personalities, but they’re characterized by a fluidity – we have come to temporary tattoos that break classic barriers, being worn as makeup or simply – as accessories.
The name we used came naturally from the 7 songs I designed for this collection together with the Romanian artist Mircea Negrilă. We have worked closely on each model during the recent months and we ended up with a title: CURATED INK. Why curated? Because I’m talking about my favorite lyrics from Depeche, Aerosmith, about my favorite quote Be the kind of person you would like to meet, the tattoo on my leg, the lines on my fingers that can be worn as a choker , bracelet or inkline. I’ve imagined everything in a semi-permanent tattoo collection + A full sleeve set of six-track trades, all in black and white, of course, for a look.
Press play and discover the campaign video.
The Tattoos can be purchased both separately and together on Flash Tattos website, I’m waiting for you to tell me which one is your favorite and how you would wear it at the next festival. CLICK TO SHOP. Meanwhile, I’m working on a new fashion episode – all about my first week at Istituto Marangoni. Stay tuned!