IN "Articles"
26 February 2014
My new Doll

Fiecare dintre noi a avut la un moment dat o jucarie preferata, pe care cel mai probabil inca o pastreaza undeva in dulap. Jucaria mea preferata este ursuletul Panda, pe care l-am primit cand aveam 5 ani. Bucata de urs are acum vreo 17 ani, 2 ochi lipsa pe care sora mea i-a inlocuit de-a lungul timpului cu: nasturi, vata, materiale diverse, in perioada cand masa de machiaj din dormitorul parintilor devenise masa de operatie… Azi dimineata am primit o cutie roz, imi mancam cerealele si nu am putut sa nu fiu surprinsa cand am vazut ce se afla in cutie. (Va rog sa ma scuzati, acum e momentul in care vreau sa va scriu despre ceva random, pentru ca pe fundal merge Dexter’s Laboratory – episodul “Dexter e murdar”).
Revin: eu, papusa, cerealele:
Each of us had at one time a favourite toy, which most likely still keeps in the closet somewhere. Was my favorite toy was a Panda beat that I got when I was 5 years old. Panda now has about 17 years, and its 2 eyes lack due to the fact that my sister has replaced them over time with buttons, cotton, various materials during the period when our parents bedroom makeup table become the operating table… This morning I received a pink box, I was eating cereal and I could not be surprised when I saw what was in the box. (Please excuse me, but now is when I want to write about something random, with Dexter’s Laboratory in the background – episode “Dexter’s dirty”).
Back: Here’s me, the Doll, the cereals:
awkward moments in the bed…
Prima impresie a fost: da nu seamana ca mine, dupa care mi-a picat fisa: cum sa nu semene cu mine, sunt eu, pozand in apusul racoros la Privo… Doar ca am capul mai mare (se accepta, e papusa) si sireturile de la colantii choies sunt albastre… Oricum, o dimineata surprinzatoare. Ce e de facut cand dai nas in nas cu papusa ta care tine in mana un smartphone Huawei Ascend P6. Am decis: e cazul sa imi scot notoficarile de pe telefon, sa ies in oras, sa-mi caut inspiratia pentru articolul de seara: plimbari prin Londra partea a II-a.
Seamana nu?
First impression was: it doesn’t look like me, then it hit me: how could it not look like me, it’s me posing in the cool twilight at Privo, but with a bigger head (accepted, it’s a Doll) and laces Choies tights lace-ups are blue … Anyway, one surprising morning. What does one do when you run into with your doll version who is holding a Huawei Ascend P6 smartphone in the right hand? I decided: it’s time to turn off my notifications and go out to find my inspiration for the next post: walking around London part II.
We resemble don’t we?
See you Instagram, and later tonight on blog, with a new post…